Remember the Swedes Are Socialists

Libertarian-Socialism: American Style
2 min readMay 15, 2020

I am quite embarrassed of late by my fellow Americans. I completely understand the need to protest the lockdowns, but doing so without face masks or practicing some physical distancing is not wise. Now I am seeing signs from these protesters demanding the US “Be like Sweden”

Hello Americans. You chose to reject all things socialist. Ergo, you CANNOT be like Sweden. Remember they are godforsaken socialists over there? We have been practicing a ruthless capitalism over here for decades.

Much of the plan we have currently implemented in the United States in reaction to the pandemic has been following the European model. However, even the general European model is TOO socialist for this country to implement, let alone what the Swedes have done. A social safety net would have allowed for some kind of shutdown, but we do not really have one over here.

There is NO WAY to fix this fast. We must come to grips with how we got here. We can no longer afford our collective amnesia. Remember we were told there was NO money for a universal healthcare system in the US. Now there are trillions to be thrown at the problem, but now the problem is TOO big. Remember we were told Keynesian economics was a sham, but now it is all the Republicans have to offer. It is more proof the Laffer Curve was always a Big Lie!

We have made our bed. We are going to have to come up with our own way of dealing with this mess. First things first, we need to look in the mirror. Then we need to get together and make some plans for our future. I have put together an actual plan which provides the support this nation has been lacking.

Thank me later. We need to get together NOW!

