The Indisputable Machismo of NOT Carrying

Libertarian-Socialism: American Style
13 min readMar 24, 2021


Photo by Alejo Reinoso on Unsplash

There is a cowboy machismo to having a concealed carry license in the United States. There is no doubting this. I was recently in a conversation with some people in my social circle about a trip to Arizona. One of my acquaintances suggested I would not like it because it is an open carry state. Everyone is openly carrying he opined.

“I mean your such a pacifist and all, you would not like it,” he suggested.

I literally fell to one knee laughing so hard. Most people there were just casual acquaintances. In cocktail conversation I guess I can sound that way. Perhaps he even felt I was likely a libtard, but family members there knew differently. They knew what was about to follow would be VERY interesting, though.

I stood back up and said, “Really? Goodness that means everybody is going to be SOOOO very polite to me! I think I might enjoy it.”

He gave me a quizzical look as if he did not understand. “Well, do you think I should put the .22 in the window rack or the shotgun. I mean the Mosin would be very impressive, but it is not too practical. I am a crappy shot or the .22 would make sense, so I think I will put the shotgun in the window rack. I am not sure about my sidearm though. I have a 9 millimeter automatic which is nice. The .45 will stop anything but it has quite a kick. I will carry my…

