The Rise of the Face Mask Libertarians

Libertarian-Socialism: American Style
2 min readJun 25, 2020
Being required to wear a piece of cloth to reduce your viral cloud is not unconstitutional.

The amount of drama around being forced to wear a piece of cloth to protect others is shocking to me. The rise of the Face Mask Libertarians across the country has been explosive. They seem be everywhere now and in all levels of government. Who are these people the Face Mask Libertarians? I was a Libertarian for many years. I have rarely seen such passion for the Constitution. There are so many of these Face Mask Libertarians, many of them my age and older.

I really am confused. Where were all you “libertarians” when the government made it illegal to drive a car without wearing a safety belt? Where were you when the government said you could not ride a motorcycle without a helmet? The Drug War has more to do with breaking the Constitution. Where were you when the judges ruled the government could take your house or your car for having seeds of hemp? Where were you when they were literally killing people for having a joint in Texas?

However, the biggest question for me is WHERE WERE YOU ON SEPTEMBER 12th? Goodness, the entire country rolled over in fear. The whole country handed off even more rights to the government. Where were you Face Mask Libertarians when they repealed the Bill of Rights at the airport? You apparently have no problem with your wife’s image showing up in the TSA MILF gallery. You have no complaints when your nubile teenage daughter is taken in the back for “enhanced security screenings”. However, ask you to wear a piece of cloth to reduce your viral cloud and then its ”OMG! Its UNCONSTITUTIONAL!”

All of these alleged unconstitutional mandates by the government. All this legal ground was broken long ago…I guess while you face mask libertarians were not paying attention. You all gave up your rights long ago. Remember the trade-off you made when you gave away my rights because you were SOOO afraid of long-haired dope smokers and scary terrorists?

Being required to wear a piece of cloth to reduce your viral cloud is not unconstitutional. I guess you are really the Fake Mask Libertarians because when REAL issues of constitutional consequence are on the docket you are nowhere to be found.

