Libertarian Thoughts
1 min readMay 17, 2019


Many notice I don’t say much about some of the most controversial issues and it isn’t cause I don’t have a perspective. Many of these issues deal with very personal experiences on both sides that people have had that lead them to the view they hold.

I find these issues better served by listening to their stories and understanding their context. While everyone is always focused on the legal barriers being removed or being erected I am more concerned about the holistic context in which individuals make choices, develop perspectives and live their lives in.

This is often why I focus so hard encouraging community and free enterprise. Stronger economies and stronger communities that are inclusive and charitable facilitate a context where many may find themselves in less dire situations that create less tragic choices or foster social resentment and isolation which can result in undoing the seems of individual liberty in the scars that they leave.

To those who share your experiences, I’m listening, I appreciate it and your openness is inspiring.



Libertarian Thoughts

Vice Chair of the Libertarian National Committee, learn more at