Libertarian Thoughts
1 min readJan 13, 2019


There are several reasons not to worry about food inspectors and the government shutdown. First off, most companies have internal quality controls for two very big reasons that have nothing to do with inspectors…

  1. Quality product means repeat business, lack thereof kills a business pretty quick.

2. Injuring customers will result in being sued which can either bankrupt or make liability insurance prohibitively expensive for the company.

Also, like anyone, they are on their best behavior when inspectors are around which often isn’t indicative of behavior when they aren’t (your room was extra clean when you knew the parents were looking, right).

What will be nice is companies who don’t have to worry about their businesses being shutdown over simple misunderstandings or because they didn’t slip an envelope under the table.



Libertarian Thoughts

Vice Chair of the Libertarian National Committee, learn more at