Libertarian Thoughts
1 min readMay 18, 2019


This week I’ve seen people of all stripes discuss the issue of pregnancy termination and fetus termination ad nauseum. Many people on both sides of these issues come from quite a wide variety of places and perspectives.

What I can say is Libertarians on both sides of this issue whether I agree with them or not come from a sincere place of holding life and body as a principled priority. The difference from my vantage point isn’t whether one is more righteous or has a better understanding of property rights but a difference in emphasis intellectually and emotionally.

I doubt there will ever be agreement on the fundamentals of this issue but there is so much that can be done that would please all parties which may be a more productive focus.

  • Developing more charitable support for expecting parents and better systems for finding children their true homes when they aren’t born into them.
  • Medical and Technological research to make the issue of terminating a pregnancy and terminating a fetus more distinct.
  • Economic reforms to make a robust economy where more people can contribute resources to the previous two efforts.
  • Greater empathy, tolerance and forgiveness to foster more open discussions when people are faced with tough life choices so they can find the support they need and hopefully find the choice that leaves the least impact on their hearts.

People aren’t perfect but we can create a context of consent that will allow them to be better and happier.



Libertarian Thoughts

Vice Chair of the Libertarian National Committee, learn more at