Can We Talk About Women’s Loneliness Crisis for a Moment?

I promise, if you would just listen, this would solve your problem, too…

Y.L. Wolfe


Image by Leann Weissmann via Scopio

Can you guess how many women were so catastrophically affected by marriage or heterosexual partnerships that they never want to date or marry again?

Yes, I understand men have had bad experiences in romantic partnerships, too, but can we talk about women for a moment?

Can you guess that number?

Yes, I understand men haven’t had an easy time of it, either, but can we please stay on point here?

How many women would you guess are now opting out of romantic partnerships with men because their previous relationships were filled with neglect, apathy, condescension, and sometimes downright abuse?

Yes, I know men are increasingly single, increasingly depressed, and their mental health is suffering. I’m actually trying to make a roundabout point about that, if you would just let me talk about women for a moment…

When I opened up about my own experience in the search for a partner, shouldering the societal expectations around marriage that are foisted upon women —

Yes, I heard you the first time! Men are lonely. Men are dying from loneliness.



Y.L. Wolfe

Gender-curious, solosexual, perimenopausal, childless crone-in-training. | Newsletter: | Email: