Do You Ever Wonder What Would Have Happened If You’d Never Gotten So Close to Your Dreams?

We always imagine what might have been…but there’s power in letting go entirely

Y.L. Wolfe


Photo by Vlada Karpovich via Pexels

Do you ever look back on the constellation of choices you’ve left in your wake? Those markers in time that glow and flicker, creating barely discernible patterns and images that only become clear if you look really closely?

There are so many points of light — all those choices — but most of them revolve around a handful of bigger, brighter points: a Sirius, a Canopus, an Arcturus. Those are the defining moments of our lives. The choices that changed our course. The decisions around which the other, smaller choices sprung. Like the moment you decided to quit your job and pursue standup. Or the day you sold your house and moved into a van. Or the second you looked into his eyes and decided to take the leap.

Do you look at those big choices, those brighter points of light, and wonder what would have happened if just one thing had gone differently? If you changed a detail here or there…or had not made that decision, at all? Have you ever imagined how differently the star map of your life would look if you had? How those constellations would be altered?



Y.L. Wolfe

Gender-curious, solosexual, perimenopausal, childless crone-in-training. | Newsletter: | Email: