Exploring Our Sexual Vocabulary

What words and phrases do you use to express your sexuality?

Y.L. Wolfe
Published in
6 min readDec 3, 2019


Photo by Oladimeji Odunsi on Unsplash

As a writer, I’m fascinated by people’s word choice in any given situation. I’m especially intrigued about this when it comes to sex. I always take internal notes when someone makes a passing sexual reference — did they say cock, penis, or dick? What do my friends call their lady parts? How do people refer to the sex act?

I’ve noticed people here even take note of that. One reader left a comment expressing curiosity about why I choose to use the word penis so much. “Why not cock or member or…?” he asked. Penis seemed so clinical to him.

As you can imagine, the words I choose are extremely calculated. I’m a little obsessive about my writing. Sure, sometimes words just go spinning and I lose control here or there, but in general, I can say that every single word you read of my work was chosen with the kind of deliberation one might reserve for a decision like what kind of new car to purchase or where to send Junior to preschool.

I use penis because, clinical or not, I like the word. It’s not the prettiest word in the world, but I like the sound of soft consonants and the soothing sssss at the end. It’s far more appealing to me than the hard consonants of cock.



Y.L. Wolfe

Adventuring & nesting in middle age. Welcome to my second act. | Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/gleDcD | Email: hello@ylwolfe.com