For All the Men Dating Women in the #MeToo Era

It takes guts to go out there and learn this new choreography. (For us, too. Believe me.)

Y.L. Wolfe
Published in
6 min readJun 13, 2019


Photo by Wiktor Karkocha on Unsplash

Men of the world, who are trying so hard to navigate this sensitive #metoo moment in history: Thank you. Thank you for listening, for responding, for being the change that we so desperately need. And to those of you who are single and dating, bravo. It takes guts to go out there and learn this new choreography. (For us, too. Believe me.)

I thought I would throw you a line here. Help you out a little. I’m in the trenches, too, and believe I can speak on behalf of my gender when it comes to this subject. And hopefully, some good will come of it for all of us.

The first thing you need to know is where we’ve come from. #MeToo and pink pussy hats didn’t suddenly spring into popular culture because Harvey Weinstein got kicked in the teeth by karma or because a man known for making misogynist comments landed the most powerful job in the country. No, this shit has been going on for centuries, and we just couldn’t take it, anymore.

Here’s what I mean:

Know that every woman you have ever dated, are dating, or will date has been objectified countless times in her life. Made to feel like a sexual object only there for a man’s…



Y.L. Wolfe

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