I’m in My Middle-Aged Nesting Phase

Yes, it’s a thing

Y.L. Wolfe


Photo by Polina Tankilevitch via Pexels

My laundry room is an absolute mess. And you can count on it being a mess 95% of the time. I don’t know what it is about that room, but I just cannot keep it uncluttered. And though that might not sound like a big deal, let me fully illustrate this problem by pointing out that every single time I want to do a load of laundry, I have to take a momentary pause so I can tidy up, because the washing machine is usually buried under a pile of stuff.

I suppose this might be a common problem. Does anyone have a truly tidy laundry room?

For me, it’s the de facto entrance to my home. I don’t use my front door. My car is in the garage, which means I come and go through my back door — which is situated on the exterior wall of the laundry room.

And you know what that means. Every single piece of detritus that I pick up in the world, or put on to venture out there, ends up or resides in that tiny little room: jackets, scarves, purses, sunglasses, receipts, reusable shopping bags, mail, bottles to recycle…and on and on. And that’s not even to mention the laundry supplies that are stored in this area.

I live in a very tiny house that has almost no storage. The laundry room measures exactly my height from wall to wall. (I’m 5’7”.) Above the washer and dryer is one…



Y.L. Wolfe

Gender-curious, solosexual, perimenopausal, childless crone-in-training. | Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/gleDcD | Email: welcome@yaelwolfe.com