I’ve Decided to Love My Big Butt (or at Least Try)
I don’t want to waste any more mental energy on this nonsense
TW: Body image, fatphobia
Every woman has a part of her body that she particularly hates. Oh, who are we kidding? We have multiple parts we don’t like. At least five, right? But if we were forced to name just one, I have no doubt that we could name it without a moment’s hesitation.
Mine? My butt.
I don’t know where to start with this subject. For one thing, it feels so absurd to be having this conversation. If only my shame was about my stomach or thighs, something a little less…coarse, I suppose. But nope, it has to be my butt. How utterly embarrassing.
And then I have to figure out how to explain this. How do I communicate why my butt makes me feel so incredibly ashamed every single day? Especially in today’s world when women are actually getting butt implants?
It’s all so specific, so particularly deranged, so very patriarchal. I suppose the only thing I can really do is start at the beginning…
I come from a long line of awkward, big butts. It sometimes makes me laugh when I saw my own butt in a relative. Even my grandfather had this butt.