Live Your Life as a Woman Who Loves Sex

It’s not just an attitude — it’s a lifestyle

Y.L. Wolfe
Published in
5 min readApr 6, 2021


Photo by luizclas from Pexels

In my early adulthood, I struggled with my identity as a woman in a way I think many women do. I constantly found myself teetering back and forth between being all of myself (which included my feisty sexuality and open curiosity about sex) and being the good girl version of myself (which excluded my feisty sexuality and open curiosity about sex).

I can remember struggling with so much shame whenever my sexual curiosity was inspired (which was a lot). Oh god, there I went again, looking for new erotica to read, a friend who would have a randy conversation with me, someone to get to third base with…

I knew I wasn’t supposed to do that. I wasn’t supposed to want that.

I was supposed to be a good woman. Someone who aspired to be a good wife. Someone who aspired to be a good mother.

That woman, from everything I had learned from cultural propaganda, did not want sex. Did not seek sex. Was not sexually curious. Had no sexual desire. Those things were naughty and dirty.

A good woman was pure and moral. Chaste. Non-sexual.

I can remember so many times when I’d have an orgasm (either alone or with a partner) and I’d feel so relieved that it was “over.” My…



Y.L. Wolfe

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