Resist the Cultural Pressure to “Correct” Sexual Lows

Listen to your inner guidance, instead — it will tell you what to do

Y.L. Wolfe
Published in
6 min readMay 3, 2021


Photo by pawel szvmanski on Unsplash

I’m just going to be honest right now and say that this is one of the hardest articles about sex I’ve written. I don’t think I could feel much less sexual than I do right now, but deadlines and jobs don’t care about our sexual embodiment. So I’m going to use my cold, smothered loins as fodder for this article, because I truly believe a writer should be able to use anything — even the worst of circumstances — as inspiration.

What’s going on that has caused this issue?

It’s not that I have no sexual desire (that’s pretty rare), but that I have very low sexual energy. And lately, even less feelings of sexual worthiness. (Or worthiness, in general.)

Let’s dissect it, because I’ll bet at least some of this is happening to other people out there, too.

Body image issues

Oh boy, am I having a wrestle with my Body Dysmorphic Disorder these days. I started creating video content on YouTube a few months ago, and seeing myself on camera has been hard. I don’t like videoing myself. I don’t like photographing myself, either, but that’s not as bad as video. I can sort through a series of…



Y.L. Wolfe

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