The Most Important Question We Should Ask Before Becoming Mothers

Hint: It has nothing to do with how we would raise a child

Y.L. Wolfe
Published in
5 min readNov 3, 2019


Photo by Edgar Hernández on Unsplash

Though I carry some grief about being childless-by-circumstance, I am very ambiguous about having children. People seem surprised when I say that. At my age, shouldn’t I be extra motivated to get on that before it’s too late?

I can remember how excited I was to become a mother when I was in my twenties. Thankfully, with age has come a sense of caution. Thoughtfulness. Care and consideration.

I find myself more hesitant about motherhood these days. Sometimes only because I’m too hard on myself, I suspect. For instance, in my twenties, I thought I’d be a kick-ass mom. As I’ve aged, I’ve come to realize that I’m just a flawed human schlepping around a dozen suitcases full of emotional baggage. Now I know that my future children would end up carrying some of that. That gives me pause.

In some areas, I’ve become infinitely more patient, but in others, much less so. I can be quick to frustration in ways I never was as a young woman. That gives me pause.

I struggle with my self-confidence, especially in my career. I’ve never been able to consistently increase my salary, even as I obtained higher levels of education and expertise. Is that fair…



Y.L. Wolfe

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