To All the Women in Their 40s Who Are Saying Goodbye to Their Fertility

This is one of the most sacred journeys we’ll ever take — and the world barely acknowledges it

Y.L. Wolfe


Photo by Gantas Vaičiulėnas via Pexels

I have a story to tell you. I’ve never felt such a drive to tell this story before, but lately, I want to tell it again and again like a bard reciting the same words in town after town, until they are stitched into the fabric of the stars above.

I am keenly aware of the reason behind this sense of urgency. I’m about to turn 44. This story is coming to an end.

It’s a magician’s tale, you could say. The story of a being with the supernatural power to create life from her own body.

Throw in a little romantic tragedy — a saga filled with lost loves and bad timing. And add a dash of spiritual parable — a soul-searching heroine and the lessons she learned.

I listen to my friends spinning their own tales these days, as they approach 40 and beyond. The memories of their challenges as young mothers. The “just one more” pregnancies they’ve decided to pursue.

My story is different. I have no memories of young motherhood because I did not become a mother. I have no plans for a last chance pregnancy, even though I realize that this is, indeed, my last



Y.L. Wolfe

Gender-curious, solosexual, perimenopausal, childless crone-in-training. | Newsletter: | Email: