When Husbands Can’t Stop Looking at Pretty Women on Instagram

Is this just harmless fantasy…or is something more problematic at play?

Y.L. Wolfe
Published in
9 min readJul 25, 2024


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio via Pexels

“His Instagram feed is full of OnlyFans girls,” a friend wept to me a few weeks after she had her first baby.

She’d just had a huge fight with her husband, who seemed perpetually disengaged at home, always sitting on the couch or bed, scrolling on his phone. She was tired and cranky from not sleeping due to the demands of her newborn baby and her temper flared every time she saw her husband sitting down with his phone in hand.

When she complained, he said he was catching up on work emails and asked her to be more understanding of his demanding job.

But one evening, she couldn’t take it anymore. She felt like she was drowning. And when the baby started crying and she saw her husband sprawled out on the sofa again, phone in hand, she came up behind him, ready for a fight. When his screen came into view, she stopped abruptly, discovering he was not emailing his colleagues and clients as he had said.

He was scrolling through Instagram, and as she watched in horror, she saw several photos and videos of young women in their twenties wearing bikinis while bending toward the camera, cleavage on display, puckering their lips as if…



Y.L. Wolfe

Adventuring & nesting in middle age. Welcome to my second act. | Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/gleDcD | Email: hello@ylwolfe.com