Why It’s Hard to Date Women Over 40

We know who we are and we know our worth

Y.L. Wolfe
Published in
7 min readSep 20, 2021


Photo by Connor Gardiner on Scopio

There’s something I’ve learned about myself in my forties: It is very hard for men to date me. To fall for me. To love me.

You see, I’m no longer the desperate young woman of my past who was hoping to fast-track her dreams of becoming a young wife and mother. I’m also no longer the desperate almost-middle-aged woman trying to find her “last minute life partner” so she can pop out a baby before it’s too late.

It is too late, guys. The days of young wife and mother are looong gone. The days of squeezing in a geriatric pregnancy are over.

And here’s the big problem: I’m happy with myself and my life. I have made peace with the way it has unfolded. I’m not desperately hoping for a last-minute intervention, or desperately searching for something to fill a hole in my heart from my youth.

To put it more simply: I’m not desperate.

Not being desperate, I’ve found, is super inconvenient for what seems to be a large number of men on the dating market. Everyone says desperate women are exceedingly unattractive, but that’s a myth, so far as I can see.

My experience has been that self-possessed women who don’t feel a pressing need to change the circumstances of their lives are



Y.L. Wolfe

Adventuring & nesting in middle age. Welcome to my second act. | Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/gleDcD | Email: hello@ylwolfe.com