Your turn-key task to support Gary Johnson

Revolution For One
Liberty Central
Published in
3 min readAug 11, 2016

The public hates Trump and Hillary, by and large. Many want a different choice, and that may be you. But do you know what would happen if no Presidential candidate gets the minimum 270 electoral votes? It goes to the House of Representatives to decide. Are you going to wait until that day to tell them how you feel? Or can you take 5 minutes right now to get them thinking about it?

I’m supporting Gary Johnson, as of today, unless something persuades me otherwise (I’m loyal ONLY to ideas, not people). So I wanted to reach out to my Congresscritter to 1) encourage them to endorse Johnson, and 2) consider their vote for him, should the aforementioned scenario play out.

Will you join me? It’s this easy:

  1. Look up your Congresscritter:
  2. Click the small email icon next to their picture. Fill in your information. I suggest “Congress and Elections” as the category. Also, if you’ve never gotten a letter/email from a Congressperson before, or just want a response, choose “Yes” to the “Would you like a response?” question.
  3. Paste your text into the Message blank. Here’s my recommendation:

For a Democrat:

Subject: Please consider Gary Johnson

Dear Congressman / Congresswoman ____________:

I will keep this brief to respect your time. I appreciate your service in Congress and for taking the time to hear two quick points I would like you to consider.

  1. I’d like you to consider endorsing Gary Johnson. He is rising fast in the polls, is getting a lot of young voter and military support, and has a long list of major endorsements, including Congressman Scott Rigell (R-VA) very recently. Sure, Rigell is on the other side of the aisle, but many Democrats also support him.
  2. I’d like you to consider voting for him, if the Election ends up in your hands. Given the dislike for Trump and Clinton, the chances that neither gets 270 electoral votes in November is real. If that’s the case, you in the House will be casting the final votes for President. Please cast this one for the best candidate, Gary Johnson.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are candidates that I do not support, and I encourage you to avoid supporting them, as well. Gary Johnson, however, has the experience, integrity, and bipartisanship that can move America forward. He supports many socially-liberal positions on issues like gay marriage, education, and the failed war on drugs. He does support conservative economic positions, but I think they are some that are badly needed. If you’re unsure of where to stand, please review this with an open mind:

Thank you again for your time.



For a Republican:

Subject: Please consider Gary Johnson

Dear Congressman / Congresswoman ____________:

I will keep this brief to respect your time. I appreciate your service in Congress and for taking the time to hear two quick points I would like you to consider.

  1. I’d like you to consider endorsing Gary Johnson. He is rising fast in the polls, is getting a lot of young voter and military support, and has a long list of major endorsements, including Congressman Scott Rigell (R-VA) very recently. He will be joined by others very soon and other early adopters will be commended for their integrity; late adopters may be seen as bandwagoning.
  2. I’d like you to consider voting for him, if the Election ends up in your hands. Given the dislike for Trump and Clinton, the chances that neither gets 270 electoral votes in November is real. If that’s the case, you in the House will be casting the final votes for President. Please cast this one for the best candidate, Gary Johnson.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are candidates that I do not support, and I encourage you to avoid supporting them, as well. Gary Johnson, however, has the experience, integrity, and bipartisanship that can move America forward. He supports many conservative economic positions on issues like taxes, jobs, and spending. He does support some socially-liberal positions, as well, but I think they are some that are in the best interest of freedom. If you’re unsure of where to stand, please review this with an open mind:

Thank you again for your time.



There, you took a few minutes to make a difference. Can you get 5 friends to do the same?



Revolution For One
Liberty Central

Life Coaching for liberty-minded individuals, groups, families, and educators.