Community Focus: Liberty Scholars

It’s scholar interview time, your chance to hear the life-changing experiences within the Liberty Gaming scholarship programme

Oliver M
Liberty Metaverse
7 min readApr 8, 2022


It’s that time of the week again here at Liberty Gaming HQ, Community Focus, when we have the pleasure of hearing from one of our Liberty Gaming scholars. I think we’re on interview number six in the series now and they’ve all been full of amazing, heartwarming stories and this week is no different.

This time around we once again had our fantastic Discord Manager Jorge Chois, interviewing longstanding and dedicated scholar, Franco, our first interview with a PlaceWar scholar. They took some time to discuss Franco’s life, his experiences at Liberty Gaming and how things have changed since he earned his scholarship.

Jorge: Good evening and welcome to Community Focus. Would you like to introduce yourself?

Franco: My name is Franco Enmanuel Mamani, I’m 30 years old and I’m from Argentina.

Jorge: Super interesting that there are latin communities that speak the same language, different accents, your Argentinian accent is super marked, super cool. How would you describe yourself in a few words?

Franco: I’ve been changing lately, in my way of thinking, I consider myself a person who doesn’t like to stay in the same mould. I take from life the things that serve me and I am changeable and I like to be realistic with things, humble.

Above all I try to be sociable and empathetic, despite being direct we must be delicate with the approach we have with people, it is very important.

Jorge: Great answer! What are your hobbies and activities?

Franco: At the moment I play Roller Derby, (it’s a game where you skate around in a semicircle and score points and hit each other). I play in an Argentine men’s team that emerged in 2015. I had left it because of the pandemic issue but I’m back, doing well and I feel super comfortable and calm. I love doing physical activity, sitting around is not my thing! I am also in a band, learning to play guitar, and I am taking a course in cell phone programming and repair.

Jorge: Excellent, my brother. You also said that you are a culinary expert, right?

Franco: Yes, my sister always cooked well and since I was 15 years old we have cooked together. She used to show me recipes and how to prepare them, but she went to live with her partner and I was left with my mother who has no patience for me! I can cook meals from Chile, Argentina, Mexico, Paraguay, Japan, lots of cuisines. Certain ingredients were expensive and had to order them in advance, to achieve that exquisite, authentic taste.

Jorge: Incredible brother, we will have to see a video of those in the creativity channel! I take this opportunity to remind everyone that we have competitions of memes, creativity, weekly have the opportunity to win the Liberty Gaming Samsung cellphone contest. Liberty Gaming gives us options to win on all sides, as a community.

What is your dream or goal for the future?

Franco: I want to finish studying programming, I just started it last week. I want to have a job when I finish my studies, I have gone through tough situations that it’s not easy to live and be economically stable. I’d love to release an album, I consider myself a music lover, I listen to all kinds of music, learn instruments, sound. Hopefully I’ll release an LP in due time, my classmates give me belief that I have a chance out here with my music.

Jorge: Excellent, I’m glad you share these stories of your life here with us, we get to know the Liberty Gaming family a little better.

How did you hear about the opportunity here to earn money as a Liberty Gaming scholar?

Franco: I had already seen news from 2018 about NFT, but at that time I was busy with studying, I had no time for anything, and I played my League of Legends tournaments. I closed my account, but I knew that with LOL I made some money. When I read about the NFT in dollars, it was crazy, I was earning 1500 Argentinian pesos. I had friends with Binance and Bitcoin, they already knew about it, and they told me about it. We were very close to buying an account in AXIE, but it was difficult because of the cost.

Jorge: When did you decide to become a scholar? What makes it important to you?

Franco: I am competitive, I like the game, it has its difficulties to manage it and can sometimes be challenging. I decided to learn it and become a good player and a good scholar. I aim to reach an important position in this game.

Jorge: Excellent, perfect, that is vital, as at liberty it opens a door to the world of NFT gaming since for many of us it is quite expensive.

What were the steps to acquiring a scholarship?

Franco: I chased after everyone to accept the discord invite! I have quite a few friends on Facebook, and I have friends in several different places. I had 67 invites in December when Naviplastic talked to me. He gave me the scholarship once I had completed the 100 invites challenge.

Jorge: Everything is possible when you put your mind to it!

What can you tell us about the work environment?

Franco: It’s like another world! It’s crazy to have been in 1700 cups, and actually I learned more losing than winning. I had to live through this part, see many people involved in this, how they take it seriously.Once you do that and really learn, it’s not so difficult. I see the way they treat you and it is surprising. The goal is the gold of being in the Liberty Gaming guild.

Jorge: What are the objectives or goals or how far can you go?

Franco: I don’t know how far I can go, but I’m focusing on PLACEWAR with PVP in mind.

Jorge: Perfect, that’s right. What have you liked the most about Liberty Gaming?

Franco: Honestly, absolutely everything! Liberty is a complete guild as it should be, I can’t complain about anything. Occasionally I didn’t make my daily schedule but it was due to work issues, not Liberty. I can’t complain about anything, you guys are a good team! I’m very happy that you are the coach, listening to all the guys in the coaches is great. There is great participation in the Liberty Discord, I like the way they do activities to socialise and engage, the music, the memes, everything is great.

Jorge: What do you think about Liberty Gaming’s approach?

Franco: I think it’s all good, everything is well elaborated, the money, to think that in the future you can have your own account, it would also be a personal goal, to be responsible.

Jorge: As a professional Liberty Gaming scholarship holder, what advice would you give to new community members and aspiring scholars?

Franco: Learn from everything! I played 45 games a day, I lost a lot at the start but each time I was learning, little by little. Learn the cards well, think deeply about your moves and plan out the strategies.

Jorge: How do you think being a Liberty Gaming scholar has changed your life?

Franco: The change has been incredible. I wouldn’t be studying programming right now, I have that opportunity because of you, Liberty Gaming!

Jorge: Excellent! I am so happy that we could help create that kind of change, and give you new goals, new projects, new opportunities.

What can you do that other people find difficult?

Franco: I think I have to say my music. I try to be humble, but my friends give me real belief that I am one of the few musicians who will have fruit from the province.

Jorge: That’s right, you have to believe in yourself, have faith, goals, above all humility.

Last question: In your opinion, what advice or tips would you give to scholarship applicants?

Franco: Don’t let your guard down, have patience, and persevere, don’t give up. Fight your way to Liberty!

Well, what can I say! We’ve had stories of improving lives, helping people put food on the table, and now, we’ve been able to give Franco the opportunity at a whole new career and really make his dreams come true! It’s so amazing to hear these Liberty Gaming scholar stories and this one, I have to say, is pretty special!

As we grow, our main focus is not only our community growth but the growth of our members and our scholars, and how we can impact their lives. We are incredibly proud to see our scholars improve their skills, knowledge, and their personal and family lives.

About Liberty Gaming

Liberty Gaming is a GameFi ecosystem at the forefront of web3 gaming, providing opportunities for every audience in blockchain gaming. Neatly placed within a larger, overarching group comprising a multi-chain launchpad and NFT and Token funds, Liberty Gaming is firmly positioned as an integral part of the GameFi space, both present and future.

Composed of a growing guild and community, high-grade investment team, incubation arm and stellar global partner network, Liberty Gaming represents a new wave of GameFi organisation and an entry portal to GameFi for everyone.

Bringing together investment from huge names, including Animoca Brands, Cointelligence Fund, and Pluto Digital, and experience from JP Morgan, Nomura, Sandbox, SkyLaunch and more, Liberty Gaming has built a foundational team, advisory and investment network to help redefine the GameFi space.

Offering earning, educational, investment and brand growth opportunities through our multi-faceted approach, Liberty Gaming is structured to both accelerate and lead the charge for blockchain-gaming mass adoption.

Stay Tuned!

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Oliver M
Liberty Metaverse

Crypto writer, simplifying the blockchain space for the masses one word at a time.