Community Focus: Liberty Scholars

It’s time for episode 7 of Community Focus, with another great interview for you from one of our loyal Liberty Gaming scholars

Oliver M
Liberty Metaverse
9 min readApr 14, 2022


The Liberty Gaming scholarship programme’s goal is to create opportunities for financial freedom for as many people as we can. The goal of Community Focus is to give our dedicated, hard-working scholars a chance to tell their stories of success, celebrate them, and hopefully inspire others to join Liberty and fight for their own financial freedom!

It seems we’re getting a bit of a regular scholar interview host, with the ever-reliable Liberty Gaming Community Coach, Jorge Chois on his third Community Focus interview in a row now! This week, he sat down with Liberty scholar Isaac Alejandro Carrillo Gonzalez to discuss, life inside and outside of Liberty Gaming.

Jorge: Hello and welcome to Community Focus. Would you like to introduce yourself?

Isaac: My name is Isaac Carrillo, I am 22 years old and I am from Venezuela. I have been with Liberty Gaming for about 2 months and so far it has been a very good experience.

Jorge: Excellent, thanks for those good comments.

Now we know where you are from and how old you are, but a question to break the ice, how do you describe yourself, what words best describe you?

Isaac: I think I’m quite curious, very witty and half “pendejo” haha, I mean like a little clumsy or forgetful.

I think clumsy is a more appropriate word than forgetful.

Jorge: About your hobbies, activities you like to do in your free time, do you practice any sport?

Isaac: Lately I don’t have any activities or hobbies, I stay at home since I work from my computer, but I really like music in general. I play some instruments, I have some time just relaxing, I have my keyboard that I really like and I plan to develop it in the future. I play the keyboard, the guitar, and I am also learning to play the cuatro. Those are my hobbies really, apart from games. I also like to watch a lot of local soccer, my country’s national team. I know they are going to lose but I still cheer for them and watch haha.

Jorge: The feeling is mutual, our national team, Colombia, is not the best at the moment. But no matter, this is the beauty of these spaces where we can share and get to know each other a little more. You could even build an online band with other musicians in the community, thanks for sharing that with us.

What are your dreams or long term goals?

Isaac: Ok, right now it’s a bit complicated because of covid’s current situation. I have a plan which is to initially leave Venezuela, for quite a long period of time, and in the meantime to save. My long term goal is to be a millionaire hehehe, to make money. But it is difficult, now I am looking for my way, you know. It’s a little difficult this question, I want to leave my country, take me out of Venezuela please haha, joking.

Jorge: You are still very young, you have a lot of talent, you have a long way to go, but you have the clear goal of looking for economic freedom.

Isaac: I’m passionate about music, editing, creation, I want to get much more involved with those things so that tomorrow I can do it. Now a lot of knowledge is available, on youtube you can find anything and nothing and I would also like to explore design but always around music. Since I was a child music has surrounded my life, I remember that I even played violin, but it was something that I was leaving and life itself, I do not know I was also working and things are forgotten. But until recently I didn’t have a clear goal, I just got up every day without a goal, trying to survive day by day. If I get a job on the street it’s $30 a month which is really nothing, I feel that Liberty is a good opportunity that came to me and I feel that I have to take advantage of it. The coach alone entertains me a lot, talking.

Jorge: It is difficult, the situation in your country, we are aware but how nice that Liberty is an opportunity for you. Also the theme of music and being self-taught through YouTube seems to me very enterprising. The truth is that today on the internet we have many tools to get ahead.

Well here, an important question, how did you find out about the Liberty Gaming scholarship opportunity?

Isaac: Well, a while ago I was interested in play-to-earn, I had some acquaintances involved, and I was really looking for a scholarship. I was presented with the opportunity because a friend told me that Naviplastic was looking for scholarship holders at Liberty. I contacted him, he explained everything to me and finally I applied. Thanks to my perseverance I have had good results, today I am a scholarship holder of both Axie and PlaceWar! On YouTube I also found a lot of information and several latin people talking about it.

Jorge: What really motivated you to become a scholarship?

Isaac: Well initially it’s kind of comical, because I have a girlfriend and I’m a League of Legends player and I spend time on the computer, and she kind of complained a lot about my video games! I really saw that through being on a scholarship I could make my gaming time genuinely productive, really making the most of my leisure time.

Jorge: The best excuse to keep your girlfriend quiet haha. now you keep on playing, but the difference is that you generate resources. Thanks for sharing your experience

What were the first steps you took to become a Liberty Gaming Scholar?

Isaac: Well, Navi explained to me how everything would work, some basic knowledge. I didn’t know much about Axie, I looked for information about the scholarship and the strategy, finally in the Liberty Gaming coaching I learned the strategy and with the guys I shared information.

Jorge: Tell us about your work environment, how is your work environment, now that you work from home, with your computer, how is it?

Isaac: With Liberty, it’s really cool, I see my scholarship as a job. I kind of define myself as a freelancer of computer services, I manage my own schedule. You have a coach in the morning and afternoon, and I don’t feel pressure like a boss, you know what I mean. Rather I feel that they are helping me, advising me, encouraging me. Lately with PlaceWar, we have all shared and learned together, there is always that community support.

Jorge: That’s what we try to do in liberty, to provide everything you need and learning to play and be better and better is the key.

What are your results as a player, in MMR in Axie and PlaceWar?

Isaac: Well as I told you initially I started playing Axie 2 months ago, even today I continue to learn. I’m not the best but currently I have 1391 MMR. It was a struggle initially I was almost 3 weeks at 900 MMR, with a fairly low daily SLP and it was not at all pleasant. But I persevered, searched for videos of people who have similar compositions and coaching has been key, when Axie upgraded to Origin , new cards that I am already studying. I like the theme of playing and defeating your opponent. In axie I know that I can keep going up. With placewar, I took it and I knew an old game with a similar mechanism Gunbound I think , a similar appearance. Currently I have already mastered the daily farm. Like everything at the beginning it was hard work to climb the tankers, level 5, 6, 7 and currently farming level 8.

Jorge: I think you are doing great as a scholar, I remember that at the beginning of Placewar, in the coaching sessions you were quite active. We spent a lot of hours solving some levels. It is very valuable, we support each other.

What was the most difficult part of becoming a grantee?

Isaac: Initially learning the cards was difficult. But, I remember that Navi was looking for scholarship holders and we have a friend in common on Twitter and I had a waiting time that I took advantage of learning in the coaches, after a few days counting energy became natural.

Jorge: What do you consider that you like the most about Liberty Gaming?

Isaac: The support in my learning has been fundamental, the coaching spaces and the sharing with my more experienced colleagues. I also like that I have been able to share with other people from the English and Filipino community, it is an atmosphere of fellowship and support. The music activities and creativity contests.

Jorge: Thank you for that feedback, it is very much appreciated.

With your experience as a scholar, what recommendations can you give to people who are applying for a scholarship?

Isaac: Perseverance is paramount. The invitations to get in may seem a bit annoying, but it’s worth it, it’s a community, like a family of gamers! There are opportunities to get scholarships in other games and job positions like the current manager they are looking for in Indonesia. With a lot of effort and perseverance you can open up opportunities to earn money.

Jorge: By preparing yourself and gaining knowledge, excellent.

Isaac, since you became a Liberty Gaming Scholar, how has it changed your life?

Isaac: Now my girlfriend sees me on the computer and knows that I am generating something, and I can save little by little, now I have a savings goal and Liberty Gaming has helped me.

It has also changed my way of thinking, I am more productive with my free time.

Jorge: That’s our goal at Liberty Gaming, to give everyone access to the possibility of playing with expensive NFTs and making money with them. Let them take advantage of the learning we provide and let’s grow together.

One last question, is there a unique quality or skill that sets you apart from others?

Isaac: Well, I consider myself a very funny person, very humorous and I have done well taking things with good humour. Sometimes certain opponents just aren’t up to my level haha!

Jorge: In your opinion, what are the 3 tips or skills that you would give to a scholarship holder?

Isaac: Well, I think they should have ambition, be competitive and consistent. Responsibility is the key to understand that it is a video game, but with someone else’s resources. Know how to manage well the trust placed in each of us.

Jorge: Well, to finish, thank you very much for sharing with us a little bit of your experience as a scholarship holder.

Naviplastic intervenes: Thank you very much for sharing with us something of your life Isaac and let us know you a little more. Thanks to Liberty for giving us this space, and reminding everyone that each of the scholarships, contests, activities carried out by Liberty are options for growth. 2 months playing axie, 1 month playing PlaceWar and Axie, today you have SLP and Gear.

Isaac: Thank you very much for the trust and guidance Navi. Guys, Liberty Gaming has in its portfolio some solid, long term projects that assures growth for all of us.

I, as a “new” placewar grantee, feel that I am entering in an excellent moment, the game so far is getting to be known, I am already generating Gear and I know it will go up at some point.

Expect the same with Liberty Gaming Coin!

And there you have it boys and girls, yet another life changed and improved by the Liberty Gaming scholarship programme. This is the first time we’ve heard from a scholar in both Axie and PlaceWar, and it’s so good to hear that Isaac is doing great in both and working with us is having a genuine impact on his life.

As we grow, our main focus is not only our community growth but the growth of our members and our scholars, and how we can impact their lives. We are incredibly proud to see our scholars improve their skills, knowledge, and their personal and family lives.

About Liberty Gaming

Liberty Gaming is a GameFi ecosystem at the forefront of web3 gaming, providing opportunities for every audience in blockchain gaming. Neatly placed within a larger, overarching group comprising a multi-chain launchpad and NFT and Token funds, Liberty Gaming is firmly positioned as an integral part of the GameFi space, both present and future.

Composed of a growing guild and community, high-grade investment team, incubation arm and stellar global partner network, Liberty Gaming represents a new wave of GameFi organisation and an entry portal to GameFi for everyone.

Bringing together investment from huge names, including Animoca Brands, Cointelligence Fund, and Pluto Digital, and experience from JP Morgan, Nomura, Sandbox, SkyLaunch and more, Liberty Gaming has built a foundational team, advisory and investment network to help redefine the GameFi space.

Offering earning, educational, investment and brand growth opportunities through our multi-faceted approach, Liberty Gaming is structured to both accelerate and lead the charge for blockchain-gaming mass adoption.

Stay Tuned!

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Oliver M
Liberty Metaverse

Crypto writer, simplifying the blockchain space for the masses one word at a time.