Community Focus: Liberty Scholars

We’re back with our host Jorge and another loyal Liberty Gaming scholar with this week’s interview about life in our guild!

Oliver M
Liberty Metaverse
6 min readJan 26, 2023


It’s that time again guys, community focus, your weekly first-hand sneak peek into the lives of our Liberty Gaming scholars. I must admit last week’s interview is gonna be hard to beat but we have yet another great story for you this week.

Our ever-entertaining interview host Jorge Chois is in the hot seat once again, and this week he is joined by Luis, a Venezuelan Liberty Gaming web3 warrior. If a new scholar story wasn’t enough, Jorge even drops a little leaked Liberty Gaming announcement into today’s interview!

Chois: Hello Liberty Gaming family, hope you are all doing great!

Today we have the company of one of our very talented scholars, let’s meet Luis Alian Quiñones Peraza, our guest of the day.

Welcome and good day Alían, how are you doing today?

Alían: Hi Chois, good day, I am doing great, thanks for asking. I hope everything is going great with you too.

Chois: Thank you, I am, and I am also really excited, to be honest. *Spoiler: We are finally getting started with Iguverse accounts for all of our community members, stay tuned for the official announcement of our partnership, hehe*

Now, let’s get back to you and start with some questions for our community to get to know you better.

Tell us, where are you from, and how old are you?

Alían: I am from Venezuela and I am 20 years old.

Chois: Back to the beautiful country of Venezuela, happy to have you here with us today! How would you describe yourself in a few words?

Alían: I am a dreamer, a guy who fights every day for each of his goals, who is unstoppable, and who is focussed on what he wants.

Chois: That’s great brother, love the spirit! What are your hobbies, your favourite activities?

Alían: I’m a music artist and graphic designer, but I spend most of my time improvising on top of musical tracks and rhythms.

Chois: I’ve had the chance to see some of your work as a designer and I must officially recommend you, despite your young age, you are very talented!

What is your big dream, or goal, short or long-term?

Alían: I dream of buying the house of my dreams, having my family at the top, and travelling around the world.

Chois: The travelling part, I love that, so many places I’d love to go to hehe. Keep focusing on your dreams champion, when we put our minds and actions into it, we will find a way to make it happen.

How did you learn about the opportunity to make money as a Scholar?

Alían: Thanks to a member of the Liberty Gaming community, who told me about the project and the potential of earning money.

Chois: Special thanks to that member who invited you over, we keep making our family bigger!

Why did you decide to become a Scholar and what makes it important for you?

Alían: I like the Metaverse, enjoy the NFT games and the money helps with several things.

Chois: Straight to the point hehe, the potential of WEB3 is amazing, everyone must stay tuned!

Tell us, how is your work environment within Liberty Gaming?

Alían: The community is amazing and I’ve actually been wanting to work for Liberty Gaming as a Graphic Designer.

Chois: I am definitely going to share your work with the team and hope for the best. The way is long and we are just getting started, keep an eye on our LinkedIn, all the job opportunities are always posted there.

Tell us, what are your results with your current accounts?

Alían: I am doing great with my accounts, hoping that with some time, all of the projects develop in a great way and increase future earnings, so the impact will be meaningful.

Chois: This bear market and crypto winter caused a lot of wounds to many, both individuals and projects. However, those brave enough continued building during the difficult times, and we will see the results of those efforts soon!

What was the most difficult situation you faced?

Alían: Totally agree with you Chois, about the most difficult situation, I must say, learning to overcome any loss caused by my mistakes.

Chois: Mistakes always have so much to teach us, and overcoming them is a big challenge indeed.

Do you like Liberty’s “play to earn financial freedom” approach?

Alían: I really like it, and I can see all the efforts Liberty Gaming makes to help us all achieve that goal.

Chois: And we won’t stop doing it brother, we are here to stay and to grow stronger each day!

What professional recommendations would you give to new scholars?

Alían: They must fight for the position they want to have within the guild, keep fighting and never give up.

Chois: With more projects on the way, we will make that easier than ever before. We want everyone in our community to have the opportunity to benefit from play-to-earn opportunities!

How did Liberty Gaming change your life?

Alían: It showed me a world that is just starting to emerge, Web3 is here to stay and Liberty Gaming offers the perfect gateway for anyone from Web2 to understand, learn and earn.

Let’s say that financially my life hasn’t changed much yet, but, I hope that with time it can improve a lot more!

Chois: Pretty sure it will improve, and not just for you, but for all of the members of our beloved community.

Last question, in your opinion, what are 2 or 3 traits that are especially important for a scholar?

Alían: Have discipline with your learning and your gaming, and perseverance is crucial to make the most of the projects you join.

Chois: Not a man of many words, but with great talent, thank you Alían for your support and time.

Thank you all for joining us, best wishes and take care!

Well I have to say, a designer, a musician, a gamer, and talented in all three, what a guy! Did anybody else notice today the astounding wisdom coming from our host? I think I’ll introduce him as Jorge ‘Yoda’ Chois from now on! If any of you need some pearls of wisdom on those tough days, I think he’s your man!

As we grow, our main focus is not only our community growth but the growth of our members and our scholars, and how we can impact their lives. We are incredibly proud to see our scholars improve their skills, knowledge, and their personal and family lives.

About Liberty Gaming

Liberty Gaming is a GameFi ecosystem at the forefront of web3 gaming, providing opportunities for every audience in blockchain gaming. Neatly placed within a larger, overarching group comprising a multi-chain launchpad and NFT and Token funds, Liberty Gaming is firmly positioned as an integral part of the GameFi space, both present and future.

Composed of a growing guild and community, high-grade investment team, incubation arm and stellar global partner network, Liberty Gaming represents a new wave of GameFi organisation and an entry portal to GameFi for everyone.

Bringing together investment from huge names, including Animoca Brands, Cointelligence Fund, and Pluto Digital, and experience from JP Morgan, Nomura, Sandbox, SkyLaunch and more, Liberty Gaming has built a foundational team, advisory and investment network to help redefine the GameFi space.

Offering earning, educational, investment and brand growth opportunities through our multi-faceted approach, Liberty Gaming is structured to both accelerate and lead the charge for blockchain-gaming mass adoption.

Stay Tuned!

As we head towards some important milestones in the project’s development, keep an eye on all of our channels below to stay up to date on all things Liberty Gaming. Believe me, you don’t want to miss this train!

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Oliver M
Liberty Metaverse

Crypto writer, simplifying the blockchain space for the masses one word at a time.