5 Books About North Korea You NEED to Read!

Elyse Huber
Liberty in North Korea


Check out these five books about North Korea recommended by members of the Liberty in North Korea staff. Happy Reading!

North Korea Confidential, Daniel Tudor and James Pearson

A great summary of life in North Korea today.

The best book to get you caught up on all things North Korea” — Sarah Kim, Engagement Coordinator

Nothing to Envy, Barbara Demick

The stories of 6 people who survived the North Korean famine.

Don’t read this unless you’re ok with ugly crying in a coffee shop”- Ian, Communications Coordinator

The Real North Korea, Andrei Lankov

Really good insights on the regime and the people by a leading NK expert.

If you’re a North Korea nerd, read this” — Chad Vickery, Media Team Manager

Aquariums of Pyongyang, Chol-hwan Kang and Pierre Rigoulot

First-hand account of growing-up in North Korean gulag.

This is how I first learned about the North Korean people” — Chelsea Quinn, Engagement Manager

Under the Same Sky, Joseph Kim

A story of survival, escape, and a new life in America.

Being North Korean, this book touched me on a personal level” — Charles Ryu, Advocacy Fellow

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