What Everybody Ought to Know About Mindfulness

Do you live as if your life depends on it?

Sarah Theresa
Inner Bloom


Photo by Yingchou Han on Unsplash

Just like you, I often wish there was a shortcut to living the good life; but alas, there’s not.

All this talk about mindfulness makes it sounds like it’s a new buzzword; a new chic meditation style that can bring us instant enlightenment.

I wish mindfulness was the easy path to inner bliss, but it isn’t.

If you’re discouraged about reading on, just hear me out — at least for another paragraph or two?

I learned to savor my life the hard way.

The sudden death of my younger sister whammed me over the head like a Zen master and screamed, “Wake up! Life is short. See?”

For 20 years, I was too timid to see. I needed trauma to wake me the fuck up. You might not need trauma or drama to make you savor each breath you take. I seriously hope you don’t. Drama aside, I feel that some of you might have a story similar to mine, one in which extreme circumstances pushed you to see life from a new perspective, and perhaps forced you to let go of your fears to fully live.

It all comes down to fear.



Sarah Theresa
Inner Bloom

I write as a soul having a human experience. I’m a mental health coach, yogini, author, mom, former therapist & traveler. https://linktr.ee/zenchic23