Libra Credit Weekly Report #5

Published in
2 min readApr 17, 2018

Welcome to Libra Credit Network’s weekly report#5. We will publish contents covering our progress in project development, events, and other activities to keep in touch with our global community.

The Libra weekly report is maintained by the Libra team directly. If you have questions or suggestions, feel free to send feedback to

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Latest Progress

· Whitelist registration is open.

· Alpha version of Libra Credit has been launched.

· Brett King[1] is joining Libra Credit’s advisory board, after Liam Robertson[2].

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Research & Development

· We continue end-to-end testing for Libra Credit pilot and the progress is promising as scheduled.

· Release KYC portal for public sale whitelist registration.

- 1st version of KYC now on our official website:;

- Email service has been updated to AWE SES and optimized for global email delivery efficiency;

- Email recall from new users who have not completed their profile and KYC process within 24 hours;

- Revise the error messages;

- Create email notification upon successful certification;

- Fix the problem that the step to enter ETH address will be skipped once exiting any page during filling out the KYC profile.

· Kickoff external code audit for public sale smart contract and token vault contract.

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operation and maintenance

· We are monitoring the conversion rate of KYC.

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To learn more about our project, please follow us at @LibraCredit and join discussions at our telegram group:



