March Progress Update

Andrew Nesbitt
Published in
3 min readApr 3, 2017

Continuing from last month with the regular progress updates on since securing a grant from both the Sloan Foundation and the Ford Foundation, here’s what we got up to in February 2017.

Notable Features

Documentation - The first week of March we be continued our documentation push, getting involved in Docathon.

Many improvements were made to our documentation repo, bringing the all the old wiki content over as well as adding new docs on Personas and documenting how to add support for a package manager to

Upgraded infrastructure - We had two big projects start using the API this month, Visual Studio and Glitch, both of which utilize the unified package manager search functionality.

This started to put a strain on our already overloaded Elasticsearch cluster so this month we spent some time upgrading key pieces of infrastructure to handle the higher loads without slowing the site down.

This included upgrading ruby to 2.4.0 on all machines and elasticsearch from 1.7 to 2.4 on our cluster, all done automatically via the growing collection of ansible playbooks in our infrastructure repo.

Release and diff urls for versions and tags - For projects that have their source hosted on GitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket and push tags their when they release new versions we can do some cool things:

This month we added those links for versions and tags on projects and tags on repositories with a slightly redesigned list view:

Other Notable Changes

We started using Appsignal for performance monitoring which has already helped us improve the performance of many of the background jobs we run:

90th percentile response time of background jobs

Ben added contribution notices around the site to encourage people to add support for other package managers if they can’t find what they are looking for.

Jon has been refactoring the code we use for monitoring the GitHub firehose and the many RSS/JSON feeds of new/updated packages to make it more efficient and less coupled to the sidekiq work names that we use.

Improvements to testing setup, removes a lot of boilerplate and recorded webmock requests, making it easier to add and change tests for everyone.

Switched from redcarpet to commonmarker for markdown rendering in readmes to support the official spec for GitHub Flavored Markdown.

Team page

A full list of all changes right across the org on GitHub is available in this gist, generated by:


37,187 new libraries and 401,341 new versions found, bringing the total to 2,194,374 libraries indexed.

446 commits, 30 pull requests and 182 issues opened across all repositories on GitHub:


This month we had a quite a few patches from outside contributors whom we would like to thank:

Plans for April

In April I’m planning on finishing up some last bits of GitLab and Bitbucket support, then revisiting the support we have for each package manage, documenting it and filling in the gaps where we’re missing bits.

As always, follow us on Twitter at @teabass, @benjam and @librariesio for more updates.



Andrew Nesbitt

Package management nerd. Creator of @octoboxio, @Librariesio, @24pullrequests and co-host of @manifestpodcast.