Libav is beautiful.

Nidhi Makhijani
Libre Parole


This post is pending since quite some time.

I’ve been working on the Libav Source code for almost 2 months and doing various refactoring tasks, splitting codecs, demuxers and working on bits and parts all over the place. I’ve read more code in the last two months than in my entire computer science career.

The code has been written and maintained for almost 10 years now and been written with a lot of precision and detail. Yes, there are places where there is spaghetti code but work to make it better is in progress.

The Libav code has very high standards. It is one of the most beautiful pieces of code I’ve ever come across. Even now I need almost 5 iterations to make sure my patch gets converted into a commit. But the best part is the community which is helpful and highly responsive. I know almost everyone on the IRC channel now. I plan to meet them in person during the VideoLan Dev Days in September.

