[Future / Now] — Global Trade Uncertainty and a New Recession

Libre AI
Libre AI
Published in
2 min readNov 7, 2018

AI+News: stories written by journalists empowered by AI

The trade wars between China and United States have already started. A new trend of trade protectionism, mostly promoted by the Trump administration, will disrupt global markets and most likely affect not only other regional economies, but also the businesses and people in the form of inflation.

As a reaction to the tariffs on steel imposed by Trump, 8 countries filed formal complaints with the World Trade Organization.

Trade uncertainty creates a climate of instability in the world economy, which will reflect on greater levels of inflation and will affect millions of people. It could be one of the factors triggering a new recession.

This story was written by a journalist empowered by AI.

The journalist is Giomar Silva (@G_SV), founder of Migrante21 (@Migrante21). Giomar has an extensive background as a reporter and editor in Peru and Washington, D.C. After covering stories about human rights, culture, technology and politics in Peru, he focused on immigrant and minorities issues as a web editor at Washington Hispanic, the largest Spanish-language newspaper in the D.C. area. His interest in these topics led him to found Migrante21, a bilingual website that aims to document the immigrant experience in America.

The AI is Minerva, a system created by Libre AI, that predicts and visualizes the (non-obvious) interconnections of global risks that will be at the core of tomorrow’s news.

Minerva leverages news data collections available in the Web and uses Artificial Intelligence based on Machine Learning (AI/ML) to discover the multiple relations among global risks, a data-driven approach that is more appealing in terms of timeliness and efficient discovery of such relations than current methodologies based on opinion surveys.



Libre AI
Libre AI

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