April 2016 SigActs:

Libya Security Monitor
12 min readJun 16, 2016

02 APR: MSC Derna-affiliated media released statements denouncing the attack my LNA forces on MSCD fighters in the Fatih area. LNA forces attacked the Shura Council fighters in the Dhuhur al-Hamr area outside of Derna, attempting to cut off the MSCD forces in the al-Hiyla area off from the city by temporarily seizing a supply road. MSC Derna fighters claim to have ambushed LNA forces in the area at night, killing two and wounding five, forcing the LNA convoy to withdraw. MSCD also claims to have destroyed two tanks during a raid on an LNA camp in the area. LNA aircraft still making overflights near Derna and conducting airstrikes on MSC Derna forces. (al-A3hed)(al-A3hed)(al-A3hed)(al-A3hed)(al-A3hed)(al-A3hed)(al-A3hed)(al-A3hed)(al-A3hed)(al-A3hed)(al-A3hed)(al-A3hed)(al-A3hed)(al-A3hed)(al-A3hed)(al-A3hed)(LPC)(Libya 24 TV)(al-A3hed)

02–03 APR: IS forces launched an attack on PFG forces 40km from the (al-Ghani oil field/al-Beida) 47 Field between Marada and Zilla, south of the oil crescent. One soldier was killed in the fighting. Alternative reporting indicated the attack targeted Battalion 152 forces, which was PFG but joined the LNA. On 03 APR, Marada PFG Reconnaissance Battalions from the central and eastern branches of the PFG conducted increased patrols in the areas attacked by IS forces on 02 APR. Updated casualty figures indicate 5 KIA, 8 WIA (Afrigate)(Libya 24 TV)(Libyan News 1)(Twitter)(Libyan News 1)(Libya 24 TV)(al-Wasat)(Akhbar Libya 24)(LPC)(LNA Statement)

04 APR: IS forces attacked the Ruwagha (الرواغة) Gate near Weddan in the Jufra province, south of Sirte, engaging in heavy clashes with locals and killing two guards. The highway through the black mountains north of Waddan remains closed due to the clashes, which reignited around 12PM. A number of Jufra fighters were injured in ongoing clashes in the Khashum al-Kheel (خشوم الخيل) area. (Fezzan Libya)(Libya 24 TV)(LNA Statement)(Libya 24 TV)(Twitter)(Libyan News 1)(Libyan News 1)(Libya Observer)(Afrigate)(Libya 24 TV)(al-Wasat)(Libya 24 TV)

08 APR: Reports indicate IS forces seized and then conducted a rally at the Khoush al-Kheel area (60 km south of Sirte) on the road between Sirte and Jufra, raising the fear over the possibility that IS was planning to launch additional attacks on the Jufra province. Forces stationed in Waddan reinforced the Rouwagha Gate, which was attacked several days previously. Separate reporting indicates a large number of vehicles departed Sirte heading south, and that IS may be poised to seize the al-Kinshiyalu Gate north of Waddan. (Afrigate)(Libya 24 TV)(al-Wasat)

08 APR: An AED exploded in the car of an MSCD member in the al-Korfat al-Sabaa area of Derna, destroying the vehicle but not causing any casualties. An alleged IS member was arrested in connection with bombings in Derna (unclear if this one specifically). Separately, clashes between MSC Derna and IS in the 400 area occurred after IS forces attempted to break into the 400 area of the Sahal al-Sharqiya neighborhood. A cautious calm returned after the clashes. (Libya 24 TV)(Akhbar Libya 24)(al-Wasat)(Libya 24 TV)

09–10 APR: The LNA Omar al-Mukhtar Operations room warned citizens from entering the Tartara, Wadi Bedahuk and Sidi al-Qarbeh areas east of Derna. LNA forces killed 5 MSCD members during an ambush on the outskirts of the city, as the LNA cut off the Dhahr Hamr area supply route to Derna. Separately, MSCD forces repelled a combined armor infantry assault by IS forces on the al-Heela axis, with heavy clashes in the 400 District, and 2 IS fighters killed. IS also claimed two attacks, one on the LNA and the other on MSCD, in the area. MSCD Arrested two additional IS fighters for placing IEDs under vehicles within the city. (Akhbar Libya 24)(Akhbar Libya 24)(Libya Observer)(Libya 24 TV)(Libya Observer)(al-Aahed)(Twitter)(Twitter)(Libya 24 TV)(al-Wasat)

10 APR: PFG Battalion 241, under Colonel Mohamed Bin Nael, declared its allegiance to the LNA and General Haftar’s command. The statement also allegedly urged cooperation with the Misrata-based Third Force Militia. (al-Wasat)(Twitter)(Libya 24 TV)(al-Wasat)(Libya 24 TV)(Libyan News 1)

09–10 APR: The National Oil Company announced the Wafa’, Tiybesti, and 47 Beida oil/gas fields were being evacuated after security officials warned that IS forces may attack the fields. The PFG refuted that it had ordered the evacuation of any facilities. Reports of IS movement towards the Mabrouka Oil Field, and possibly the Marada-Zilla stretch of oil fields. (Libyan News 1)(al-Wasat)(Libya 24 TV)

11 APR: A Statement confirmed the evacuation and cessation of work at the Zten oil field, south of the oil crescent, due to the threat of IS attacks. The Samah oil field was also allegedly evacuated. The Zeltan field has also gone on strike, demanding to be evacuated as well.(Akhbar Libya 24)(al-Wasat)(Libya Herald)(Twitter)

12 APR: PFG forces clashed with IS fighters in the Qara al-Hadad near Bin Jawad, after IS forces fired mortars at PFG forces during a patrol between Bin Jawad and Sidra, killing one and wounding three. The LNA aviation claimed to conduct an airstrike against IS convoy in between Sirte and Sidra, although it may have come before the clashes. Other reports subsequently indicated the explosion was caused either by an IED or mine. (Akhbar Libya 24)(Libya 24 TV)(al-Wasat)(LNA Statement)(Libya 24 TV)(Libya 24 TV)(Afrigate)(Libya 24 TV)

13 APR: IS forces launched a complex attack against the 28 May Battalion militia (under the Bani Walid Joint Security Room) at the al-Sadada Checkpoint (possible location) and at the militia’s nearby headquarters-camp, east of Bani Walid. IS fighters attacked the camp, during the early morning hours, killing at least two militia soldiers, in addition to beheading three workers at the camp and seizing five vehicles and ammunition. IS forces also detonated a (S?)VBIED at the nearby al-Sadada checkpoint, killing one and wounding at least four members of 28 May Battalion. As many as 5 individuals were reported missing after the attacks. (Reuters)(al-Wasat)(Twitter)(Libyan News 1)(Libyan News 1)(Akhbar Libya 24)(Twitter)(Libya’s Channel)(al-Wasat)(Afrigate)(Libyan News 1)(Libya 24 TV)(218 TV)(Libya Observer)(Twitter)(Libya Herald)(Afrigate)(LPC)(Libya 24 TV)(al-Wasat)(Twitter)

13–14 APR: Heavy fighting between SCBR/IS forces and LNA forces as LNA Saiqa Forces launched attacks against the Hawari cement factory, after a Saiqa spokesman denied that LNA forces had seized control over the Hawari cemetery, west of the factory. LNA aircraft struck the factory, setting a fuel tank ablaze. Clashes were also reported in the al-Nawaqiya and Qawarasha areas, which is a frontline between IS forces and LNA forces. LNA Marines also clashed with SCBR forces near the Souq al-Hout area of central Benghazi. Unconfirmed reports indicate a VBIED was detonated on the western axis of Benghazi, without any casualties being reported. On 13 APR, SCBR forces claimed to have shelled and destroyed an LNA boat in at the port in the Julyana Port south of the main Benghazi port in central Benghazi, injuring a colonel in the LNA navy. ASL Published images of the ship before and after striking it with artillery fire. (ASL Images)(al-Wasat)(Libya 24 TV)(Afrigate)(Libya 24 TV)(Akhbar Libya 24)(Twitter)(Twitter)(Libya Observer)(Libya Observer)(al-Nabaa)(218 TV)(Libya 24 TV)(Twitter)(Afrigate)(Akhbar Libya 24)(Twitter)(LNA Video)(LNA Video)(Akhbar Libya 24)

15 APR: IS Wilayat Barqa claimed to have carried out an SVBIED attack against LNA forces in the Nawaqiya axis, southern Benghazi (location). The IS statement claims to have killed 50, although this is assessed to be false. An LNA statement claims that the VBEID detonated on the western axis of the city. The attack allegedly killed 4soldiers fighting with 309 Battalion and Battalion 482 stationed south of the Hawari cement factory. Other reports indicate that there were 3 SVBIEDs. But two were stopped before they could reach the target location. IS Drone recorded the incident. (Libya Herald)(LNA Statement)(Aamaq News)(IS Wilayat Barqa)(LNA Statement)(Libya 24 TV)(Akhbar Libya 24)(Twitter)

15–16 APR: LNA forces launched the “وَالْعَادِيَاتِ ضَبْحًا فَالْمُورِيَاتِ قَدْحًا” Operation to take control over the Hawari Cement factory and reported advances against the factory. LNA forces claimed advances against SCBR forces in the Qawarasha and Hawari Districts, suffering 8 KIA and 17 WIA. Additionally, LNA forces took control of the Musamir Village and al-Ferjan area near the Turkish Company. LNA forces also shelled the Jawhara Resort, destroying an SCBR ammunition storehouse. LNA also claimed naval forces cut sea supply lines of SCBR/IS forces in the city. On 16 APR, IS released images of the suicide attacker as well as of the attack itself on LNA forces near the Hawari cement factory. (IS Wilayat Barqa)(Afrigate)(LNA Statement)(LNA Statement)(LNA Statement)(Libya 24 TV)(Libya 24 TV)(Libya Herald)(Akhbar Libya 24)

18 APR: LNA Saiqa forces announced that the army seized complete control over the Hawari Cement Factory in Benghazi. Images have emerged of LNA forces exploring the interior of the factory, which was an SCBR/IS headquarters. LNA forces also proceeded to seize control over the Qawarasha Fodder factory (مصنع الأعلاف) conflicting reports indicate LNA forces may also have seized the Qawarasha Gate (see map), and have beseiged SCBR/IS forces in the Livestock Market in the Qawarasha District. LNA battalions 21 Saiqa and 106 announced they had also seized full control over the Benghazi University campus in the Garyounis neighborhood, and also reported took the entire neighborhood. Unconfirmed reports indicate SCBR and IS fighters attempted to flee en masse from the city after recent losses. (al-Wasat)(Libya al-Hurra)(Libya al-Hurra)(al-Wasat)(Libya’s Channel)(LNA Statement)(Libya News 1)(Libyan News 1)(Libyan News 1)(Libya Herald)(Afrigate)(Libya’s Channel)(Afrigate)(Afrigate)(Twitter)(al-Wasat)(Libya 24 TV)(Twitter)(LNA Images)

17 APR: IS forces advanced in the al-Hilla (Heela) area of Derna, seizing positions after clashes with MSCD fighters. MSCD forces reported IS forces detonated a landmine, causing a number of casualties. The city is still besieged by LNA forces. Commander of supporting forces with MSCD speaks about recent clashes with IS forces in Fatih. MSCD forces reported gunfire in the Sahel area of Derna as well. (LPC)(Libya Observer)(Derna News)(al-Aahed)(al-Aahed)=(al-Aahed)(al-Aahed)(al-Aahed)(al-Aahed)

16–17 APR: Tripoli Revolutionaries Battalion claimed the Haithem Tajouri battalion, seized weapons and a number of vehicles previously confiscated from the latter by the former, during an attack on Ahmed Maitiq’s home in the al-Andalus area of Tripoli. At least two guards was killed in the attack and a number (reportedly 6) were kidnapped. Other claims that gunmen robbed the al-Andalus police station (possibly part of the same attack) (Libyan News 1)(Libyan News 1)(Afrigate)(Twitter)(Twitter)(Libyan News 1)(Libya 24 TV)(Afrigate)(Libya Observer)(Libya Herald)(al-Wasat)(Libya 24 TV)(Libya’s Channel)(Afrigate)

18 APR: An IS multi-vehicle convoy (a report indicates 40 vehicles, but likely exaggerated) approached the Ashamikh Village in the Wadi Souf area, on the road to the al-Saleh Factory on the outskirts of Bani Walid. Additionally, IS forces (unconfirmed) attacked a May 28 Battalion Heaquarters in the Shadada area, with 5 battalion fighters wounded. (Libya 24 TV)(Twitter)

18 APR: MSCD forces claimed to have retaken positions in the Heela, Jabal al-Khorofat, and Sahel axes IVO Derna. IS Wilayat Barqa released an update on the fighting in Derna, claiming advances and 2 SVBIEDs against both the LNA and MSCD forces. MSCD released statement claiming to have launched a counteroffensive against IS, and denying that the group had withdrawn from defense of the areas under its control. 5 MSCD KIA and 8 IS KIA. MSCD forces then seized the Al-Thalath Factory road, on the outskirts of the Bab Tobruq area, the Khorofat al-Sabaa area, and parts of the Fatih area. LNA aircraft also bombed IS forces, including an SVBIED, in the 400, Heela, and the Fatih areas. (IS Wilayat Barqa)(Twitter)(al-Aahed)(al-Aahed)(Derna News Agency)(al-Aahed)(al-Aahed)(Derna News Agency)(Derna News Agency) (Libya 24 TV)(al-Wasat)

19 APR: LNA and IS forces continued to clash in the Qawarasha area of Benghazi. LNA Saiqa forces released a video from inside the Souq al-Muwashi (livestock market) after having seized it from IS forces in the Qawarasha district of Benghazi.(Video)(Video)(Libya 24 TV)(Afrigate)(Libya News 1)

20 APR: The MSCD announced that it had successfully routed IS forces from the city and its environs. LNA aircraft carried out airstrikes on a number of MSCD positions, including a prison used to hold IS fighters. IS reportedly fled the city heading south, stopping at a gas station in the Makhili area before heading south along the 200 Highway towards Ajdabiya, attempting to make their way to Sirte. LNA forces briefly clashed with IS convoy forces in the Makhilli(المخيلي) area, and LNA aircraft conducted air strikes against the convoys, destroying a number of vehicles on the road. (Afrigate)(Libyan News 1)(al-Wasat)(LNA Statement)(al-Wasat)(Afrigate)(Twitter)(Twitter)(LPC)(LNA Statement)(LPC)(Libya 24 TV)(al-Wasat)(Libya 24 TV)(Derna News)(Derna News) (Derna News)(Derna News)(Derna News)(Derna News)(DernaNews)(Derna News)(al-Aahed)(al-Aahed)(al-Aahed)(Libya 24 TV)(Akhbar Libya 24)(Libyan News 1)(Libya Observer)(Libya 24 TV)(Libya Observer)(al-Nabaa)(Libya Observer)(218 TV)(Twitter)(Libya Observer)

  • Video of LNA forces in the Fatih University area south of Derna: Video

21 APR: LNA Battalion 106 and local forces defending the Makhili Gate seized four vehicles loaded with weapons and ammunition and one vehicle loaded with food from retreating IS forces during clashes yesterday. A number of IS fighters were killed in bothe Makhili and Aziyat areas, far south of Derna. Additionally, The 21 Border Guards Battalion clashed with and “destroyed” a convoy of IS forces in the Sawno area, 60 km east of Ajdabiya, allegedly destroying 13 vehicles. (Akhbar Libya 24)(Libya’s Channel)(Afrigate News)

22 APR:LNA forces seized control of an SCBR HQ, the Electrical Institute, the livestock market, and the al-Shalmatani Gas station in the Busanib (بوصنيب) and Qanfouda areas of Benghazi. Additionally, LNA Battalion 309 seized control of Port Shipping Company, and were poised to attack the Libya Shield militia camp (also in Qanfouda). Other LNA units seized the Buzakara area(بوزكرة), southwestern Benghazi, the al-Faakat area, south of Hawari, and cleared the remaining IS/SCBR presence from Um Mabrouka. LNA seized weapons at a formerly IS controlled warehouse in Qawarasha. (al-Wasat)(Libya al-Hadath Tv)(Afrigate)(VBIED Factory [LNA] Video)

23–24 APR: MSCD released a statement in Arabic and English declaring that its forces would defend Derna and clear the surrounding area of LNA presence, accusing the LNA of facilitating IS’ withdrawal from the city. The statement comes after LNA aircraft conducted (15?) air strikes on Derna, killing three and wounding five, near the Derna Football Stadium. The MSCD also announced the arrest of 600 IS fighters and allies. MSC Derna also announced that it would create a governing political body for the city, and that it would change from the “shura council” would become a defensive security force. (al-Aahed)(al-Aahed)(al-aahed)(al-Aahed)(al-Aahed)(al-Aahed)(al-Aahed)(al-Aahed)(al-Aahed)(Video)(al-Aahed)(al-Aahed)(al-Aahed)(al-Aahed)(al-Aahed)(al-Aahed)(al-Aahed)(Libya Herald)(Libya Observer)(Libya 24 TV)(218 TV)(Ahram)(Twitter)

23 APR: LNA Battalion 152 (fmr PFG) clashed with IS forces in the Wadi Ali(وادى على) s 75 km west of Ajdabiya. Reports indicate a (S)VBIED targeted the Beida Security Battalion in the 200 area, killing its leader and six others. The Ajdabiya Operations Room claimed to have destroyed 15 of 45 vehicles in the IS convoy. (Video)(Afrigate)(Libya’s Channel)(Afrigate)(Afrigate)(LNA Statement)(Akhbar Libya 24)(al-Wasat)(Afrigate)

23 APR: IS and PFG forces clashed in the 52 Gate area, south of Brega. The militant group was allegedly attempting to attack Brega. One was killed and five wounded, including Ibrahim Jadhran, leader of the PFG. (Libya Observer)(Akhbar Libya 24)(Libya Herald)(Twitter)

26 APR: The LNA announced it fully controlled all of Tika and its suburbs, south of Benghazi, and that clashes were ongoing near the Turkish company on the western axis of Benghazi. The LNA conducted airstrikes in the Qawarasha area of Benghazi.(Afrigate)(Video)



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