ISIS Attacks Prompt LNA Action in Ajdabiya

Libya Security Monitor
2 min readAug 3, 2015

Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF): An ISIS attack on the LNA-controlled Gate 200 precipitated fighting throughout the weekend in Ajdabiya itself. LNA troops assaulted known militant positions within the city seizing a foothold in areas previously controlled by the Ajdabiya Shura Council (ASC). While ISIS has claimed responsibility for the initial attack, it remains unclear the extent to which the group is integrated with the ASC.

On the afternoon of July 31, forces assaulted troops from the 21st LNA Border Guards at the “200 Gate” checkpoint between Tobruq and Ajdabiya. ISIS Wilayat Barqa claimed responsibility for the attack, which killed at least seven soldiers, with 18 remaining MIA. As LNA reinforcements were rushed to the 200 Gate, they came under attack in the vicinity of the “60 Gate” area. This makes it likely that the attacking forces originated from either Benghazi or Ajdabiya.

On August 1 the 21st Border Guards seized a known militant position located on Istanbul Street in the Industrial District of southern Ajdabiya. This raid, initiated in response to the previous day’s attack, was followed by further clashes near the Jalu Traffic Circle, the Car Market, and the eastern end of Istanbul Street. Unconfirmed reports indicate that the Ajdabiya Shura Council seized control of the Higher Occupations Institute and that LNA forces seized the Idriss Bokaduwa Camp. Throughout this series of clashes, LNA aircraft conducted airstrikes, reportedly targeting the previously identified headquarters on Istanbul Street, a weapons cache in the al-Faragh al-Nakhil Project and targets near the Ajdabiya reservoir. LNA Border Guards have held positions in Ajdabiya and LyAF aircraft bombed an ASC headquarters on June 14, however this represents the most significant deployment of LNA strength to the coastal city.

Reports have identified both ISIS and Ansar al-Sharia in Libya (ASL) fighters participating at various stages of this battle, the identification of these forces should be treated with skepticism unless more evidence arises. At this time there is no definitive proof of ISIS presence within Ajdabiya. The ASC was formed in April of 2015 and is judged to be closely tied to ASL. Ansar al-Sharia has also published officially branded picture sets showing its fighters in Ajdabiya, manning checkpoints and conducting patrols.

(al-Wasat) (Akhbar Libya 24)(LNA Statement)(Afrigate)(Libya Herald)(Afrigate)(Akhbar Libya 24) (Libya Observer)(Afrigate)(Afrigate)(Afrigate) (al-Arabiya)(ISIS Wilayat Barqa Statement)(al-Wasat)(Libya Herald)(al-Wasat)(ASC Formation Statement)(Ansar al-Sharia Picture Set)(al-Wasat) (al-Wasat)(al-Arabiya)



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