Islamic State in Libya Activities: Week of 20–27 January 2016

20 January:

Libya Security Monitor
5 min readFeb 1, 2016


  • An alleged IS “senior commander” Abu Mohamed al-Dernawi, was found dead near Hawara, an IS controlled town 70km from Sirte with a gunshot wound in the head. (al-Wasat)(al-Wasat)
  • The Telegraph reports that an was individual beheaded for witchcraft in Sirte by IS, although the man in question practiced acupuncture: (The Telegraph)

21 January:

  • IS fighters attacked the Ras Lanuf oil terminal, clashing with Petroleum Field Guard forces and destroying a pipeline originating in the Amal Oil Field and setting several oil storage tanks alight. Sources report that between five and seven tanks have been destroyed. Contrary to previous reporting, NOC sources claim that oil was not transferred from those tanks due to interference by the PFG. It is unclear whether IS attempted to seize the facility or merely caused damage with indirect fire. (al-Wasat)(Twitter) (Twitter)(Libya Observer)(Akhbar Libya 24)(al-Wasat)(Libya’s Channel)
  • IS’ Wilyat Barqa released an unofficial statement on its fighting against MSCD near Derna, claiming its forces detonated an IED in the al-Hila area, killing three, snipers and the shooting down of an MSCD drone in the Sahal al-Sharqiya area, and a raid against MSCD forces in the Bab Tobruq neighborhood of the city. (Twitter)
  • LNA security forces captured an IS fighter in the Salmani area of Benghazi. (al-Wasat)(al-Wasat)
  • IS published a picture set showing the punishment of a number of men in the city of Sirte. Three men were caned for drinking alcohol and two men were executed: one for “banditry” and the second man was allegedly acting as a spy for the LNA. (IS Media Office of Tarablus)

22 January:

  • LNA aircraft conducted air strikes on the Industrial Neighborhood of Ajdabiya as fighting between LNA-allied 21st Border Guards Battalion and local fighters against ASC/IS forces continued in the vicinity of Istanbul Street. (Akhbar Libya 24)
  • Unconfirmed reports indicate that IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi sent an Iraqi commander, Abu Omar, to command IS forces in Libya. According to the report, which based on information from the head of military intelligence in Misrata, Abu Omar arrived in October 2015. (The Telegraph)

23 January:

  • LNA MiG-21s bombed IS positions near the Man-Made River in the city of Ben Jawad. (Twitter)(Libya Herald)
  • A sniper killed Abdullah Hamad al-Libi, a senior IS leader in the city of Sirte, as he left a mosque following evening prayer. This is the latest in a string of anti-IS attacks in the city, indicating that a level of opposition remains despite the brutal IS crackdown. (al-Wasat)

24 January:

  • IS executed Milad Hassan al-Qaddafi for smuggling members of his tribe out of Sirte. (al-Wasat)(Facebook)
  • An IS member posted pictures of himself burning the Libyan flag near the Benghazi lighthouse, indicating that the organization maintains a position in that area. (Twitter)
  • IS allegedly executed a citizen of Harawa for unspecified offenses. (Twitter)
  • Ali Hassi, a spokesman for the PFG, reported that Oil Guards were preparing for an attack on Ben Jawad. Furthermore Hassi indicated that IS only lightly garrisoned Ben Jawad and the bulk of their forces remain in Nowfaliya. (al-Wasat)
  • Social media sources indicate that IS fighters targeted MSC Derna troops in the Hila and Sahel al-Sharqiya areas of Derna. (Twitter)

25 January:

  • IS fighters in Harawa executed Ahmed Bashir Khalif Allah, a citizen of the town, for alleged loyalty to the LNA. (al-Wasat)

26 January:

  • Unconfirmed reports that IS launched an attack on the Zueituna Oil Terminal with three small boats. (Libya 24 TV) [Note: This report mirrors another almost identical attack several days ago. It is unclear whether it is the same or a different attack.]
  • The Mayor of Sirte (in exile) claimed IS had taken control of local banks in the city, and reportedly taken over 50 million Libyan Dinars in currency. (Libya 24 TV)
  • Local fighters in the Jufra province stopped a vehicle carrying a large quantity of explosives and detained two alleged IS members. (al-Wasat)(Fezzan Libya Media Group)
  • IS published two photos showing a rainstorm in Sirte. (IS Media Office of Tarablus)

International News/Reports:

23 JAN: “U.S. military says decisive action needed against Islamic State in Libya.” Reuters.

26 JAN: “Opening a New Front Against ISIS in Libya,” The New York Times.

27 JAN: “Libya, Extremism, and the Consequences of Collapse,” The Soufan Group.

27 JAN: “Libya may become the next front in war against the Islamic State,” Stars and Stripes.



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