Islamic State Offensive Seizes Ben Jawad and Attacks Sidra Oil Terminal

Libya Security Monitor
3 min readJan 5, 2016
Image of IS forces during Offensive

On 04 January, Islamic State (IS) forces launched an offensive against the Libyan Oil Crescent, sending forces west from its strongholds of Sirte and Nowfaliya to attack oil export facilities in Sidra. The operation, called the “Battle of Abu Mughaira al-Qahtani,” consisted of a suicide vehicle-borne IED (SVBIED) targeting Petroleum Facilities Guard (PFG) militia forces at the entrance to the Sidra Oil Terminal followed by a wave of armed fighters. Just prior to this attack, IS forces seized complete control over the nearby town of Ben Jawad. IS has had a presence in Bani Jawad for months, but the group completed its takeover of the town during the offensive, expanding the group’s contiguous enclave of territory directly under IS jurisdiction. This offensive is the latest in the Islamic State’s expansion in Libya, and illustrates the group’s growing but still limited offensive capabilities within the country.

IS Control and Attack Zones in Libya

The attack on Sidra appears to have been a coordinated complex attack. Four IS fighters were killed, including at least one suicide bomber that detonated his explosive laden truck at a PFG checkpoint, as the group’s forces, using infantry supported by light technical-mounted artillery, anti-air machine guns, and Grad rockets, briefly seized control of the Sidra oil storage tanks, south of the port facility.

Alleged IS SVBIED bomber

After the initial attack, PFG forces, backed by Libyan National Army (LNA) aircraft, counterattacked, pushing back Islamic State forces from the oil storage area, to the Wadi al-Khila area, just north of the main port facility, and possibly further. However, both IS and PFG forces confirmed that the extremist group retained full control over Bin Jawad. At least seven PFG soldiers and one civilian were killed in the fighting, as clashes continued to rage between the two forces in the Wadi al-Khila area into 05 January.

Aaccording to both the GNC and the LNA, Libya Dawn aircraft from Misrata also participated in the counterattack, targeting an IS convoy near Ben Jawad and destroying five vehicles. This may indicate a degree of cooperation between the two rival factions against a common enemy, although it is a far cry from the level of coordination that will be necessary to ultimately defeat IS in Libya.

IS picutre from within Oil Facility

The Islamic State’s Wilayat Barqa, or Mandate of Cyrenaica (Eastern Libya), published two situation updates with during the offensive, in addition to two photosets: one portraying the IS fighters “martyred” in the operation and the other showing both IS forces engaged in fighting and images from within the oil tank facility. The Islamic State-affiliated Amaq Media Foundation also published a video showing the attack.

2015 saw the rise of the Islamic State in Libya, from small cells across the country to seizing and holding territory and fighting on multiple fronts. The takeover of Ben Jawad, and the attack on Sidra, represent the latest in IS gains in Libya, and serve to reiterate that the terrorist organization seeks to expand its territorial control within the country.



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