Libya Situation Update 01–05 September

Libya Security Monitor
3 min readSep 8, 2015
  1. 01–04 SEP: A Battalion 204 commander confirmed that the LNA-affiliated unit took control of the Hawari General Hospital and the Philippine Company in the Hawari area of Benghazi, in addition to surrounding neighborhoods. Both facilities had been used as command and control centers for SCBR forces. On 03 September, LNA 204 Armored Battalion supported by Tawhid al-Salafiya Battalion forces stormed the SCBR-occupied Ear Nose and Throat Center of the Harawi Hospital in Hawari, southern Benghazi. An SCBR commander, Jalal Makhzoom, was injured in fighting in the neighborhood. (Twitter)(Twitter)(Akhbar Libya 24)(Afrigate)(Akhbar Libya 24)(Twitter)(Akhbar Libya 24)(Twitter)(Twitter)
  2. 01 SEPT: A Bolivian-flagged vessel, the Haddad 1, was seized off the coast of Crete by the Greek Coast Guard, allegedly carrying weapons from Turkey to Misrata. (Chania Post)(ABC News)
  3. 02–05 SEP: An IED targeted the vehicle of an LNA spokesman from the Omar al-Mukhtar Operations Room in the city of Qubba.On 04 September, ISIS forces clashed with LNA units near Ras al-Hillal, west of Derna, with at least 4 soldiers KIA and 2 WIA. The commander of the Omar Mokhtar Operations, Riken Abdulsalam, announced the LNA had taken full control over the Marqus Valley, south of the towns of Ras al-Hillal and Sousse, and cleared the area of ISIS forces.(al-Wasat)(al-Wasat) (Afrigate)(Twitter)(Afrigate)(al-Arabiya) [Analyst Note: The clearing of the Marqus Valley is a prerequisite for any LNA operations to clear Ras Hillal, which has a number of remaining pockets of ISIS fighters.]
  4. 02 SEP: ISIS claimed responsibility for an SVEST attack on MSC Derna forces at the Fatima Zahra Mosque in downtown Derna. (Akhbar Libya 24)
  5. 02–05 SEP: LNA Battalion 309 clashed with SCBR fighters in the Buatni neighborhood of Benghazi. Unconfirmed reports indicate SCBR forces took significant casualties. On 02 September, an IED killed two senior LNA Saiqa commanders, Abu Bakir Al-Fissi and Ibrahim Jouda, in addition to three others, in Buatni as clashes continued between LNA with air support and SCBR forces in Buatni, Leithi, and Sabri districts. LNA forces also regained control over the Qatar area, after losing control of it in the morning of 01 SEP. (Libya Observer)(Afrigate)(Benghazi News)(LANA)(Akhbar Libya 24)(Afrigate)(Afrigate)(LNA Facebook)
  6. 02 SEP: The Municipality of Gharyan denied playing any role in the attack on 31 August against LNA forces in Asabiya, claiming the attacks were perpetrated to divide the groups and harm the active ceasefire agreement. (Akhbar Libya 24)
  7. 03 SEP: ISIS fighters raided houses in the town of Wadi Hamar (“Red Valley”) west of Noufiliya, and in Abu Saada, 110km from Sirte, searching for members or former members of the military. (al-Wasat)
  8. 03 SEP: Three Misratan aircraft returned to the Misrata Air Base after undergoing repairs and maintenance at the Khartoum airport in Sudan. (al-Wasat)[Analyst note: It is unclear what type of aircraft there were, although it is likely that they were either L-39s or Mig-21s]
  9. 05 SEP: Protesters in al-Marj demonstrated against the “unity government” and called for a military council to take control after the expiration of the current House of Representatives. (Akhbar Libya 24) [Analyst Note: While a military council is possible, there is significant opposition to such a move and installing General Haftar as a military dictator would evoke memories of Col. Ghaddafi and play into Libya Dawn propaganda.]



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