Libya Situation Update 14–17 January

Libya Security Monitor
2 min readJan 18, 2016
  1. 14 JAN: An unidentified security source stated that IS is holding at least 150 individuals, primarily men who would not “repent,” in the Nowfaliya jail, west of Sirte. (al-Wasat)
  2. 14 JAN: LNA-allied local fighters clashed with ASC forces in the vicinity of the the Sharouq Mosque in the southwest of the Industrial Neighborhood of Ajdabiya. LNA fighters also stormed the farm of ASC member Breik al-Masriya south of the 7 October Neighborhood, seizing aircraft bombs and other weaponry and killing two ASC fighters and wounding others. The LNA also announced that it had taken control of the 18 and 60 Gates and 100 Point on the road south of the city. (Akhbar Libya 24)(LNA Statement)(al-Wasat)
  3. 14–16 JAN: IS fighters set an IED on an oil line running from the al-Assida Oil Field, 20 km south of Ras Lanuf, according to Harouj Oil Company sources. Separately, IS fighters kidnapped 5 PFG members from near the Marada Oil Field. On 16 JAN an unofficial IS statement claimed credit for the raid and identified the attack as part of the ongoing al-Qahtani Campaign. (Akhbar Libya 24)(Twitter))(Twitter)(Twitter)(Twitter)(al-Wasat) (Akhbar Libya 24)(Akhbar Libya 24)(Wilayat Barqa Statement)(Twitter)(Libya Herald)
  4. 15 JAN: Unidentified attackers threw an improvised explosive device (IED) at an IS patrol near the Insurance Building in Sirte. (Twitter)
  5. 15–16 JAN: Tebu and Tuareg forces clashed as Tebu forces attacked the city of Ubari from the south and west in the latest round of violence since the two tribes signed the Doha Peace Accord. The HoR released a statement condemning the ongoing fighting. (HoR Statement)(Libya Panorama)(LNA Statement) (Libya 24 TV)
  6. 16 JAN: IS crucified an alleged Libya Dawn spy in Sirte. IS fighters also executed three unidentified individuals and displayed their bodies outside of Ben Jawad, in order to intimidate the local citizens. [Analyst Note 1: These executions were likely carried out in retaliation for several attacks against IS fighters and facilities in Sirte][Analyst Note 2: A large number of pictures are circulating alleging to show the crucified victims. Several of these pictures appear to have been recycled from previous IS crucifixions in Sirte.](Twitter)(al-Wasat)(Twitter)(Twitter) (Twitter)(Twitter)(Libyan News)
  7. 16 JAN: The GNA announced that the government will not be formed for at least another 48 hours. The announcement was scheduled for midnight Saturday, but disputes among members over ministerial seats has allegedly prevented any agreement. A proposal to reduce the number of ministries from 26 to 10 has been accepted, but it is unclear if this reduction will resolve the dispute. (GNA Statement)(Libya Herald)(al-Wasat)



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