Libya Situation Update: 16–17 February 2016

Libya Security Monitor
3 min readFeb 18, 2016
  1. 16 FEB: The road between Ubari and Ghat was reopened by the Haswana neutral tribal force. (Fezzan Libya Media Group)
  2. 16 FEB: IS’ Wilayat Tarablus announced that one of its leaders in Sirte, a Palestinian from Gaza named Mufleh Abu Azra, was killed under unknown circumstances. (Libyan News)(Afrigate)

3. 16 FEB: LNA 2nd Infantry Battalion and 309 Battalion retook two positions briefly seized by the SCBR/IS fighters on 15 FEB in Western Benghazi. Three LNA fighters were killed in the fighting. (Libya’s Channel)(Libya’s Channel)

4. 16 FEB: An IS leader, Faraj Bujidar, was killed in clashes between IS and LNA forces in the 400 Neighborhood of Derna, possibly by an LNA airstrike. (Afrigate)[Note: It is unlikely there is an LNA presence this close to Derna, and the clashes were more likely between IS and MSC Derna forces, although it is possible that an LNA airstrike was responsible. ]

5. 16 February: The Tobruq-based House of Representatives (HoR) delayed its vote on the newly proposed GNA Cabinet until Monday (22 FEB) after the head of the Presidential Council, Fayez al-Serraj, requested that the vote be postponed until then. (Afrigate)(al-Wasat)

6. 16 FEB: IS’ Wilayat Barqa claimed to repel an MSC Derna attack on its positions in the Sahel al-Sharqiya area, and to have launched a dawn counterattack against MSC Derna forces in the al-Dhahr al-Ahmar area, with pro-IS media claiming to have damaged a number of MSC Derna vehicles. Clashes continued in the al-Salat and 400 Neighborhoods, with 2 MSC Derna fighters killed and six wounded. (IS Wilayat Barqa Statement)(Twitter)(Aamaq Media)(Libya Observer) [Analyst Note: It is unclear whether the Islamic State maintains any permanent positions in Sahel al-Sharqiya.]

7. 16 FEB: Commander of the Saraya al-Shuhada Battalion (responsible for the security of al-Abraq Airport), also a Commander of the Omar al-Mukhtar operations room, Nasser al-Najdi, survived an assassination attempt near his home in the al-Abraq area of Bayda. (al-Wasat)

8. 17 FEB: At least four civilians were killed and 20 injured when a mortar landed near a group celebrating the anniversary of the February 17 Revolution in Sebha. It is unclear whether they were targeted or were hit by a stray round. (Libya 24 TV)(Afrigate)(Libya Panorama)(Afrigate)

9. 17 FEB: Unverified reports indicate that Hamza al-Bahiji, a prominent member of IS in Ajdabiya, was killed near Qalouz Street. It is unclear what lead to his purported death. Additionally, LNA troops clashed with ASC fighters in the Industrial District of Ajdabiya. (Libya 24 TV)(Libya 24 TV)

10. 17 FEB: An unofficial statement claimed that yet another MSC Derna position was infiltrated by an IS fighter who detonated an IED. The statement indicates that the position was in the Zahra al-Ahmar area, and names the operation as part of the Abu Nasr al-Ansari Campaign. Additionally the group claimed to have attacked MSC Derna in the Sahel al-Shariqya area with artillery strikes, IEDs, and direct fire. (Twitter)



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