Libya Situation Update: 22–25 February

Libya Security Monitor
3 min readFeb 26, 2016
  1. 22 FEB: Suspected IS militants attacked the Fida Oilfield south of Sirte, setting two partially filled storage tanks ablaze before retreating. (Libya Herald)(al-Wasat)(Reuters)
  2. 23 FEB: Libya Dawn aircraft conducted air strikes the IS-held River Company on the outskirts of Sirte. (al — Wasat)
  3. 23 FEB: IS allegedly executed four individuals in Sirte, two by stoning and the others by gunshot. (al-Wasat)
  4. 22 FEB: MSC Derna fighters repelled an IS force attempting to advance from the Fatih area into Derna, as IS troops entered the 400 Neighborhood and failed to seize the Bayat Al-Radwan mosque, advancing to the corniche area before being forced back by MSC Derna with the unverified support of two LNA helicopters. Six MSC Derna fighters were killed in the fighting. An IS leader, Muftah Abu Faraj (Abu Basir al-Libi) was killed in the failed attack and 3 IS tanks or armored vehicles were destroyed. A second IS leader, Hamid Abdulsalam al-Azuz, was shot and killed on Wadi Street in the city. IS claimed to have attacked a number of MSC Derna checkpoints using a variety of weapons and a VBIED. Separate reporting indicated that a VBIED detonated near a carwash and filling station at an entrance to the city of Derna. It is unclear whether the events are linked.(al-Wasat)(IS Media Office of Barqa)(Libya 24 TV)(al-Wasat)(Libya Herald)(Libyan News 1)

5. 23–25 FEB: On 23 February, Sabratha militias under the Sabratha Military Council, supported by the Rada Militia. attacked IS-held locations near the city. The Sabrathan forces seized an IS position, with 4 IS fighters and 4 militia fighters killed in the clashes in the early hours of 24 February, following the deployment of the Rada Militia and local Sabratha fighters, over 100 IS fighters stormed important positions within the city of Sabratha including the bank and main hospital. The fighters beheaded 12 members of the Sabratha local security before being heavily engaged by security forces including the al-Wadi Brigade, Zawiya militias, and local forces who expelled IS from the city. At least 30 IS members were killed and over 17 Sabratha fighters are reportedly dead. Additionally, Rada militiamen allegedly captured the head of IS forces in Sabratha, Mohammad Said al-Tajouri (aka Abu Suliman) as he moved between Sirte and Sabratha. On 25 February, fighting continued near Sabratha as IS forces continued their offensive. Security forces appear to have contained the fighting to localized areas such as Zwaga outside of the city. Another senior IS leader, Abdullah Dabbashi, was killed in the clashes. Unconfirmed social media sources claimed that Salafist fighters from Rajaban, Zintan, and Ajaylat joined the anti-IS fight on the outskirts of the city. (Afrigate)(Libya Observer)(Libya Observer)(Twitter)(Libya Observer)(Twitter)(Libya 24 TV)(Afrigate)(Sabratha Municipal Council Statement)(Afrigate)(al-Wasat)(Afrigate)(Afrigate)(Twitter)(Libya Observer)(Afrigate)(Twitter)(Libya News 1)(al-Wasat)(Libya Observer)(Twitter)


24 FEB: The HoR was forced to postpone its vote on the Government of National Accord (GNA) after a small group of ten Federalist members physically prevented Agila Salah from initiating a vote and then disrupted the power to the chamber, ending the session. A press statement emerged following the session alleging that 101 members of the HoR support approving the unity government as presented. (Twitter)(Twitter)(Twitter)(Libya’s Channel)(Libya Herald)



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