March 2016 SigActs:

Libya Security Monitor
9 min readJun 16, 2016

03 MAR: LNA forces, including the 204 Tank Battalion and 210 Battalion, stormed the Benghazi University campus and the 17 February Military Camp in the Gar Younis neighborhood of Benghazi. SCBR forces allegedly withdrew from the camp. The LNA warned residents not to approach the camp, as it was still conducting clearing operations in the area. LNA forces also claimed control over the adjacent Qawarasha area of the city, as LNA and SCBR/IS forces continued to clash there. LNA forces claimed to have encircled the Hawari Cement Factory on three sides, entering the nearby al-Nawaqiya (النواقية) area, south of the factory. (Akhbar Libya 24)(LNA Statement)(al-Wasat)(LNA Statement)(LNA Statement)(Libya’s Channel)(Libya Al-Hurra TV)(Twitter)(LNA Statement)(LNA Statement)(al-Wasat)(Libya 24 TV)(LNA Statement)(Akhbar Libya 24)(LNA Statement)(Libya’s Official Channel)

02–03 MAR: Militias allied to the Sabratha Military Council clashed with IS forces in the Diyar al-Gharabila area, south of Sabratha, after militias raided houses where IS fighters had held up. Two Italian gas workers being held hostage (kidnapped last year) were alleged to have been killed in the crossfire, as well as 8 IS fighters.The “Libyan Air Force” (unclear whether Libya Dawn or LNA) aircraft conducted air strikes on IS forces near Sabratha, killing seven members of the organization. A large number of IS fighters allegedly crossed the Tunisian border following fighting in Sabratha and attacked the Tunisian town of Ben Guerdane, only to be killed by Tunisian authorities in heavy fighting. In Sorman, east of Sabratha, 6 men and 2 women were arrested for being members of IS, as clashes between joint security forces and IS continued near that town. (Libya 24 TV)(Afrigate)(al-Wasat)(Reuters)(Twitter)(al-Wasat)(Libya Observer)(Libya Herald)(Libya Herald)(Libya 24 TV)(Libya Observer)(Libya 24 TV)(Libya 24 TV)

04 MAR: Sabratha Joint Operations Room announced that it had killed over 20 fighters during ongoing clashes near Sabratha as IS forces retreated to the al-Jafara area (الجفارة). The Operations Room warned of possible IS cells still remaining within the town, and issued a statement that it was working in concert with the Sabratha Municipal Council to root out remaining IS fighters in the area. (al-Wasat)(Libya 24 TV)

05 MAR: LNA forces, led by Saiqa Special Forces, seized the areas surrounding the Hawari cement factory, including the Bags factory and the Marketing headquarters of the factory, as clashes continued between LNA forces and SCBR/IS fighters in the Hawari District of Benghazi. The LNA denied initial reports that its forces had seized control over the entire cement factory. (LNA Statement)(LNA Statement)(LNA Statement)(LNA Statement)(al-Wasat)(Libya’s Official Channel)(Libya 24 TV)(Afrigate)(Twitter)(Akhbar Libya 24)(Libya 24 TV)(al-Wasat)(Libya News 1)(Libya 24 TV)

06 MAR: LNA Mobilized Infantry Battalion 152, led by Capt. Abdul Hakim Amazeb, clashed with IS forces in the Wadi Afragh area near the Amal Oil Field, approx. 160km south of Ajdabiya when a Battalion 152 patrol engaged an IS convoy of five vehicles traveling through the Jufra district from Nowfaliya to Benghazi. 4 IS members were killed, including one that blew himself up with a suicide vest (other reports point to 7–8 IS fighters killed and two captured, in addition to the LNA seizing a number of military vehicles).Reports indicate they were attempting to take the the oil field. Separately, LNA forces clashed with IS fighters in the Ba’ir al-Mashraki area, approximately 40km south of Ajdabiya( بئر المشركة ), with 9 IS fighters killed and one arrested. (Afrigate)(LNA Video)(Afrigate)(Libya 24 TV)(al-Wasat)(al-Wasat)(Akhbar Libya 24)(Akhbar Libya 24)(Afrigate)(Libya 24 TV)(Libya’s Channel)(Akhbar Libya 24)

09 MAR: Reports indicate that IS fighters (allegedly six vehicles) set up a checkpoint in Wadi Mersit (وادي مرسيط), in Garyat, south of the town of Mizda, which is 150km south of Tripoli. The IS fighters detained a number of youths, including a police officer from the town. Unconfirmed reports indicate that LNA-allied fighters from Werfalla, Megarha, Zintan, Awlad Busayf, Mashashya clashed with IS fighters in the area, allegedly driving the IS forces out and trapping in the Wadi Zamzam area. (Afrigate)(Libya’s Channel)(Libyan News 1)(Fezzan Libya Media Group)(Fezzan Libya Media Group)(Afrigate)(Twitter)(Libya’s Channel)(Afrigate)(Fezzan Libya MG)(Fezzan Libya MG)(LNA Statement)

10–11 MAR: Sporadic clashes between armed residents of Garyat, supported by local Zintanis, against IS fighters in Wadi Zamzam and Wadi Marsit, north of Shwayrif and Garyat. Three Zintanis were killed in the fighting. (Libya 24 TV)(Afrigate)(Fezzan Libya Media Group)(Libyan News 1)(Afrigate)(Libya 24 TV)(Libya 24 TV)

12 MAR: LNA Aircraft operating out of Wattiya Airbase targeted IS fighters during clashes between the LNA-affiliated tribal militias and IS in the Wadi Zamzam area, forcing the IS forces to withdraw to the Kamkuma area (كمكومة). (Libya 24 TV)

12 MAR: IS Wilayat Fezzan released a statement claiming responsibility for the fighting in the Mizda and Gariyat areas, 160–200km south of Tripoli. Included was a photoset of IS fighters and vehicles in the area. (IS Wilayat Fezzan)

09 MAR: Unconfirmed reports indicate SCBR gains against LNA forces on the Talhiya axis and surrounding the Hawari cement factory, in Benghazi. However, the LNA later claimed that Battalion 309 had cleared all farms surrounding the factory, fully encircling it. Separately, heavy clashes were reported on the outskirts of Qanfouda, where LNA forces are attempting to seize the Qanfouda camp, headquarters of Wissam bin Hamid’s (SCBR) Libya Shield Brigade, from SCBR forces. (Libya Panorama Channel)(LNA Statement)(Afrigate)(Fezzan Libya Media Group)

09 MAR: IS fighters in one vehicle launched a hit-and-run attack on Misratan Libya Shield militia fighters stationed at the Abu Qarin checkpoint, south of Misrata, killing 2–4 and wounding three. (Libya 24 TV)(Afrigate)(Libya Observer)(Libya Panorama Channel)(al-Wasat)(Libya 24 TV)

13 MAR: LNA 2nd Saiqa Battalion forces seized control of the Um Mabrouka area, in the suburbs of southwestern Benghazi, during fierce clashes with the SCBR forces. One LNA soldier was killed and seven wounded in the clashes. LNA aircraft bombed SCBR/IS positions in the Qanfouda area on the western axis of Benghazi. LNA General Command issued orders deploying Battalion 210 to engage SCBR forces in Qawrasha, and for Battalion 21 to take over fighting in the University District. The LNA claimed a number of SCBR/IS fighters and families surrendered in Qawrasha. (Libyan News 1)(LNA Statement)(LNA Statement)(LNA Images)(Afrigate)(Libya 24 TV)(Libya News)(LNA Statement)(LNA Statement)

15 MAR: LNA Saiqa forces (Battalions 35 and 21) and supporting units advanced in the area surrounding the Hawari Cement factory during heavy clashes in the area with IS and SCBR, seizing a number of IS fighting positions and destroying 3 technicals and capturing an Ansar al-Sharia armored vehicle, as LNA 305 Artillery battalion fired rockets at SCBR/IS positions. LNA reinforcements arrived near the cement factory from the al-Talhiya axis. Additional heavy fighting broke out in the morning in the Um Mabrouka area, between SCBR and LNA forces (2nd Infantry Division and Battalion 302), in addition to Saraya 122 Artillery shelling SCBR forces in the Um Rahimiya area, also on the western Axis. 5 LNA soldiers were killed in the fighting, two in clashes near the factory and IVO Um Mabrouka. (al-Wasat)(al-Wasat)(LNA Picture)(Afrigate)(Video)(Libya 24 TV)(LNA Statement)

14–15 MAR: Unidentified fighters (assessed as IS) launched a night attack on the Man-made River Facility (possible location), 80km west of the Sahrir oil field area, targeting the main gate with an SVBIED (although it is also claimed by PFG forces that the bomber was shot dead before he could reach the target), damaging the control room, and setting three diesel fuel tanks used for running the power station. Arabian Gulf Oil Company, which runs the field, denied in a statement that the Sahrir field itself was attacked. Unconfirmed reports from the LNA Brigade 25 (Border Guards) indicate that 30 vehicles attacked the facility.(Akhbar Libya 24)(Akhbar Libya 24)(Libya’s Channel)(Akhbar Libya 24)(Twitter)(Reuters)(Libya Herald)(Libya 24 TV)(Libya 24 TV)(Libya 24 TV)(Twitter)(Afrigate)(al-Wasat)(LNA Statement)(LNA Statement)(Afrigate)(Libyan News 1)(Twitter)(Libya 24 TV)(Libya 24 TV)(Afrigate)

19 MAR: Zawiyat Addahmani’s Alfirqa Assadisah or the Sixth Team Security brigade and Bab Azizziya’s Salah Al-Burki brigade (Samud Force) clashed in Camp 77 and Zawiyat Addahmani, Abu Salim, and Bab Azizziya areas, Tripoli. Reports also indicate that Samood forces withdrew to south of the capital after the clashes. Initial reports that Rada Militia Forces were involved was denied by the group. (Libya Panorama Channel)(Libyan News 1)(Reuters)(al-Wasat)(Afrigate)(Libya Herald)(Libyan News 1)(Akhbar Libya 24)(Afrigate)(al-Wasat)(Libya Observer)(Twitter)(Video)(Video)

20 MAR: Leaders in Kufra announced the formation of the Kufra Protection Force to defend the city. The force includes Reconnaisance Battalion 21, The Mujahid Mahdi al-Senussi Battalion, Battalion 601, the al-Qadi Akraym Martyrs’ Battalion, the Hawari Martyrs’ Battalion, and the Fakhr Martyrs’ Battalion. (LNA Statement)(Afrigate)(Libya 24 TV)(Akhbar Libya 24)(Video)

21 MAR: Armed clashes between Misrata militia forces and local Abu Salim area militias at the Bin Ghashir Gate, near the headquarters of the GNC, in Tripoli, in front of the Republic Bank, as militia forces attempted to force their way into the bank. The clashes continued on the outskirts of Camp 77. (al-Wasat)(Afrigate)(Libyan News 1)(Libya Herald)(Libyan News 1)(Libyan New 1)(Libya 24 TV)

22 MAR: Marada local security patrols seized 4–5 abandoned vehicles filled with food during a routine patrol of the oil facilities, near the Bayda Oil Field. Reports indicate the patrol clashed briefly with IS fighters before the IS forces fled the area, and that the food was destined for IS forces in Benghazi. Unconfirmed reports point to an IS convoy departing Sirte towards the Zltin Oil Field. (al-Wasat)(Libya 24 TV)(Afrigate)(Afrigate)

22 MAR: MSC Derna killed two and arrested 8 members of an IS cell within Derna, allegedly responsible for a number of attacks in the city. The Eight cell members were later executed after being found guilty of planning and carrying out assassinations and the attacks. (Libya 24 TV)(al-Nabaa)(Twitter)(Libya Observer)

28 MAR: Misratan Municipal Council and brigades of the city declared full support for the GNA and announced the beginning of the formation of a joint operations force to secure the capital for the GNA’s arrival. (al-Wasat)(LIbya 24 TV)

28 MAR: Clashes between the National Mobile Force militia (based in Janzour) and the Abiyat Militia in the Ghut al-Shaal area of Tripoli after the former attacked the latter’s headquarters in the area, with the Abiyat forces being forced to withdraw. (Afrigate)(Libyan News 1)(Twitter)(Libya Herald)(Libyan News 1)(Libyan News 1)(Libya 24 TV)(Libyan News 1)(Twitter)(Video)

29 MAR: the LNA claimed its aircraft destroyed 3–4 ( of 6) fishing trawlers carrying weapons and equipment to SCBR forces in Benghazi from Misrata, near the Jawhara Resort. Additionally, claims that one of the trawlers was destroyed by LNA Naval forces in coordination with Battalion 309 near the Mreissa Port. (Afrigate News)(Afrigate)(Afrigate)(Libya 24 TV)

30 MAR: The GNA Presidential Council arrived at the Tripoli Naval Base by boat. The Council met with Libyan Navy(ish) leadership and were welcomed into the city. The Tripoli Abu Sittah Naval Base has been chosen as the temporary headquarters, and is heavily defended by allied militias. UN representative to Libya Martin Kobler welcomed the move of the GNA Presidential Council into Tripoli. Heavy gunfire between militias was also reported within (Afrigate)(Reuters)(Twitter)(Video)(Libya’s Channel)(Afrigate)(Libyan News 1)(Libya Herald)(Libya 24 TV)(Libyan News 1)(Libya 24 TV)(Akhbar Libya 24)(Libya Observer)(Twitter)(Libya 24 TV)(al-Wasat)

31 MAR: Two fishing trawlers were bombed, allegedly by unidentified IEDs placed by “frogmen,” in the Misrata Harbor. The vessels were allegedly owned by SCBR forces in Benghazi and being used to run guns, weapons, and fighters (Afrigate)(Libyan News 1)(Libya Observer)(Libyan News 1)(Twitter) (Twitter)



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