May 2016 SigActs:

Libya Security Monitor
21 min readJun 16, 2016

02 MAY: LNA forces killed 7 IS fighters in the Qawarasha area of Benghazi as clashes there continued. Saiqa forces announced they had taken full control over the al-Tariya (الترية) area on the Western axis of the city. LNA Saiqa Battalion 2 discovered a mass grave in the Al-Faakat area, south of Benghazi. (Akhbar Libya 24)(al-Wasat)(Afrigate)(al-Wasat)

03 MAY: LNA and Misratan militia forces under Ziam Balam clashed on the outskirts of Zillah, after Misratan reconnaissance forces from Jufra scouting LNA positions clashed with LNA 10th Battalion and pro-LNA fighters from Zilla. Misratan aircraft, flying from Jufra, bombed LNA positions, causing 7 casualties but no deaths. LNA reinforcements arrived from Marada, and the militia forces retreated back to Jufra. The Zilla-Waddan road was closed as a result of the clashes. (Twitter)(Fezzan Libya)(Twitter)(Twitter)(Libya Herald)(Libya News 1)(Libya al-Hadath)(Fezzan Libya)(Libya 24 TV)(LNA Statement)(Afrigate)(Afrigate)(LNA Statement)(Akhbar Libya

05 MAY: IS Wilayat Barqa forces conducted two SVBIED attacks on Misratan Militia forces in one in the al-Heisha (الهيشة) area in Abu Qarin, overrunning the Abu Qarin checkpoints, al-Washka (الوشكة), al-Qaddahiya (القداحية), Zamzam (زمزم), and al-Bueirat areas (البويرات), seizing them and raising the IS banner. IS released images of the attacks and the town after it had been captured, and a statement claiming responsibility. At least 5 Misratans were killed and 12 wounded, forces retreated, as the Misratan Military and Municipal Council’s declared States of emergency, closing the main road west of the Sadada Bridge and ordering all battalions in Tripoli to return to Misrata, as IS forces pushed onwards towards the bridge. Other reports indicate a 22 vehicle convoy of technicals and support vehicles departed Sirte, heading towards the Kinshilo (الكنشيلو) Gate on the road north of the town of Waddan, in Jufra. (IS Wilayat Tarablus)(IS Wilayat Tarablus)(Twitter)(al-Wasat)(al-Wasat)(Twitter)(Afrigate)(Afrigate)(Afrigate)(LPC)(Afrigate)(LNA Statement)(Libya al-Hadath)(Libyan News 1)(LNA Statement)(Libya 24 Tv)(Afrigate)(LNA Statement)(Afrigate)(Libya al-Hadath)(Libya’s Channel)(LNA Statement)(Libya al-Hadath)(LNA Statement)(Libya al-Hadath)(Libyan News 1)(LPC)(Libyan News 1)(Libya Observer)(Libya 24 TV)(Libya 24 TV)(Derna News)(Derna News)

05 MAY: LNA Colonel of Saiqa Forces, Niss BuKhamada, and a small contingent of Saiqa forces arrived in Ras Lanuf, meeting with PFG Commander Ibrahim Jadhran to discuss upcoming operations against IS. Unconfirmed reports that LNA aircraft are being sent from the Abraq and Tobruk air bases to Ras Lanuf, although this was denied by a PFG spokesman. Col. Bukhamada’s Saiqa forces also arrived in Ajdabiya, as the spokesman of the Ajdabiya Operations Room, Lt. Akram Buhaliqa, announced that the PFG was now under control of the LNA (this truth of this statement is dubious at best). LNA Saiqa forces responded to claims they had seized oil fields south of the oil crescent by stating they had “liberated them.” (al-Wasat)(Twitter)(Libya al-Hadath)(AP)(Afrigate)(Afrigate)(218 TV)(Afrigate)(Twitter)

06 MAY: IS detonated an SVBIED near a gathering Misratan militia forces IVO the Sadada Bridge, 55KM SW of Misrata, late during the night between 05 and 06 May. The attack killed three militia fighters, leading to the total number of deaths reaching at least 11 KIA in the past two days. Misratan military units launched a counterattack against IS forces in the Abu Qarin area in the early morning hours. The Misratan Military Council declared the entire Abu Qarin area a closed military zone and placed the city under emergency. (al-Wasat)(al-Wasat)(LNA Statement/Propaganda)(Afrigate)(Afrigate)(Afrigate)(al-Wasat)

07 MAY: Misratan militia forces, supported by airstrikes, advanced in clashes against IS forces, retaking full control of the Sadada Bridge and advancing 16km, as clashes continued near the industrial river. At least one Misratan fighter died of injuries sustained in the fighting against IS. Two Misratan militia fighters were killed IVO the Sadada gate after they triggered a landmine/IED. Misratan aircraft conducted two airstrikes on IS forces in Abu Qarin. (Twitter)(Twitter)(Twitter)(Afrigate)(al-Wasat)(Libya Observer)(Afrigate)(al-Wasat)(al-Wasat)

08 MAY: IS released the picture of a Waddan resident captured during recent IS operations in Abu Qarin. IS has begun a campaign of arrests in the Wadi Zamzam area after having taken it over from Misratan militia forces. IS Wilayat Tarablus released additional images of military and martyrdom operations against Misratan militias, calling them part of Operation Sheikh Abu Ali al-Anbari. Additional reports indicate IS forces attacked the National Commerce bank, in Abu Qarin, raised their flag over the prosecutor’s office in Abu Najim area, 125km from Sirte, and also seized two vehicles travelling from Waddan in Jufra belonging to the Libya Mobile Phone company. (Libyan News 1)(Libyan News 1) (IS Wilayat Tarablus)(Twitter)(al-Wasat)(al-Wasat)(Afrigate)(al-Wasat)(LNA Statement)(Twitter)

11 MAY: The LNA announced “Operation Volcano (Burkan)” to take control of Derna, although stated it would not attempt to force its way into the city of Derna until given orders to do so, giving MSCD the opportunity to surrender and turn over their weapons. Clashes between LNA and MSCD forces occurred on the Hila axis and in the Dhahr al-Hamr area, southeast of the city, as LNA aircraft bombed the city. The LNA also released images of an Mi-8 and Mi-24/35 at the Abraq Air base to be used in the operation.MSC Dernal also released a video of its forces on patrol in the suburbs of Derna. (LNA Statement)(LNA Statement)(LNA Statement)(Libya al-Hadath(218 TV)(218 TV)(Afrigate)(Twitter)(al-Aahed)(MSC Derna Video)(Libyan News 1)(Akhbar Libya 24)(Afrigate)(Libya Observer)

11–12 MAY: IS forces launched a complex attack, detonating an SVBIED and launching an assault against Misratan militia forces (Battalion 604 and the Yarmouk Salafist’s Battalion) at the Sadada Bridge, briefly seizing control of the bridge on the road between Abu Qarin and Misrata. Heavy clashes continued through the night into 12 MAY, with Misratan militia forces counter-attacking and retaking control of the bridge and pushing IS forces four kilometers back and capturing 15 IS members. Misratan militia forces suffered 4 killed (including a field commander of the Mahjoub Battalion), 39 wounded, and six allied police officers allegedly captured by IS in the fighting. Battalion 604 also released images of weapons and ehicles seized from IS in the clashes. (Afrigate)(Libya al-Hurra)(Twitter)(LNA Statement)(LNA Statement)(LNA Statement)(al-Wasat)(Afrigate)(Afrigate)(al-Wasat)(Afrigate)(al-Wasat)(al-Nabaa)(al-Wasat)(al-Wasat)(Libya Observer)(Afrigate)(Libya’s Channel)(Twitter)(218 TV)(Libya Herald)(Afrigate)(Libyan News 1)(LNA Statement)(Twitter)

13 MAY: LNA Battalion 210 and the Zawiya Martyr’s (Salah Buhalaiqa) Battalion seized control over the Libya European Hospital and al-Shajr Street after heavy clashes with IS/SCBR forces in the Qawarasha district, Benghazi. Clashes also continued in the Bussanib neighborhood. LNA forces shelled SCBR/IS positions in Qawarasha with 155mm howitzers, and LNA aircraft bombed the Chinese buildings and the Qanfouda area. In central Benghazi, LNA artillery shelled the Sabri area. 3 LNA soldiers were killed in the fighting. (LNA Statement)(Libyan News 1)(Libya al-Hadath)(LNA Statement)(Libya al-Hadath)(Libya al-Hadath)(LNA Statement)(al-Wasat)(218 TV)(218 TV)(218 TV)

13 MAY: Rada Militia (Special Deterrence Security Forces) arrested an IS cell in Tripoli, allegedly comprised primarily of Tunisians, that specialized in bombing and IED operations. (Libya Observer)(al-Wasat)

15 MAY: MSCD released a statement of general mobilization of the city in opposition to the LNA’s declared offensive to retake the city. Meanwhile, LNA aircraft conducted air strikes against MSCD positions in Wadi al-Naqa (الناقة) on the outskirts of the city. (al-Aahed)(Afrigate)(Libya Observer)

16 MAY: IS forces and Misratan militias clashed in the vicinity of the Sadada area, 80km from Misrata, after Misratan aviation aircraft targeted and forced the premature detonation of an IS SVBIED before it could reach the militia forces. Two Misratan fighters were wounded in the fighting. IS Wilayat Tarablus claimed responsibility for the SVBIED attack on the Shadada area, west of Abu Qarin. (IS Wilayat Tarablus)al-Wasat)(Afrigate)(Afrigate)(LPC)(al-Nabaa)(Video)

16 MAY: Young men continued an influx into Derna to help defend the city, according to MSCD. The LNA issued a warning to the Shiha neighborhood of the city not to harbour MSCD fighters, or it would be bombed.(al-Aahed)(LPC)

17 MAY: Misratan militia forces recaptured the crossroads town of Abu Qarin from IS forces and also, later in the day reportedly seized Washka village from IS forces. An IED/landmine exploded in Abu Qarin, killing 3 and wounding 2. An SVBIED targeted Misratan militia forces at the Mahmiyyah area, IVO Abu Qarin, although reports indicate it may hav been destroyed by an ATGM before it reached its intended target. IS claimed the group’s responsibility for the attack. (Twitter)(MENASTREAM)(Libya Herald)(Afrigate)(Libya’s Channel)(Libyan News 1)(Akhbar Libya 24)(LPC)(Afrigate)(IS Wilayat Tarablus) (Libya Observer)

17 MAY: Qaddadfa tribe youth fired an RPG at an IS Hisba (religious police) vehicle on the road in Abu Hadi, south of Sirte, allegedly killing 3 IS members. In response, the group arrested a number of Qaddadfa tribe members. (Libyan News 1)

17 MAY: LNA forces continue to secure oil fields in the Sirte basin in the Marada and Zilla areas, and has so far taken control of 14 fields: al-Raqouba (الرقوبة)), al-Tahdi (التحدي), Zlten (زلطن), al-Beida (البيضاء), al-Semah (السماح), al-Tibisti (تيبستي), al-Waha (الواحة), al-Ghani (الغاني), Zilla (زلة), Sabah (الصباح), Dhahra (الظهرة), al-Naqa (الناقة), al-Bahi (الباهي), and Mabrouk (المبروك) fields.

(Akhbar Libya 24)(Libya Observer)

18 MAY: Misratan militias (including Battalion 166) under the Al-Bunyan Al-Marsoos Joint Operations Room clashed with IS forces east of the Washka area after retaking the Washka and Buirat areas, as they advanced towards the Khamseen (50) area checkpoint, 50km west of Sirte. Four Misratan fighters were wounded in the clashes. An IS SVBIED targeted Misratan forces in the Buirat area, IVO Abu Qarin, killing seven Misratans and wounding 20. A landmine/IED exploded near the Abu Qarin checkpoint, killing four Misratan fighters and wounding 5. (LPC)(Libya Observer)(Libya Observer)(al-Wasat)(Libyan News 1)(Libya Observer)(Libya Observer)(Libyan News 1)(Twitter)(218 TV)(Afrigate)(LPC)(Libya Herald)(LPC)(Afrigate)

18–19 MAY: IS Wilayat Tarablus released a statement claiming responsibility for the SVBIED attacks (two) against Misratan Militia forces east of Abu Qarin, as the total death toll for the attacks rose to 32 KIA. On 19 MAY, Misratan forces from Abu Qarin connected with Misratan Third Force militia forces from Jufra, and continued to advance towards Sirte through the Wadi Bey (وادي بي) and the Wadi al-Louwd (وادي اللود) areas, with a landmine/IED at the latter destroying a Third Force technical and killing several militiamen. 5 IS members were also killed in the renewed fighting between the groups, and Misratan forces bombarded the Khamseen area with heavy artillery. The Misratan militia-led Minyan al-Marsous Joint Operations Room published Summary of Activities of the offensive on 19 MAY. Misratan 604th Battalion forces also defused a truck VBIED, IVO Abu Qarin. (Twitter)(Twitter/IS Wilayat Tarablus Statement)(al-Wasat)(LPC)(Libya Observer)(Twitter)(Libya Herald)(Twitter)(LPC)

19–20 MAY: Two shells fell on the Benghazi Medical Centre in downtown Benghazi, killing two and wounding nine. On 20 MAY, both the PC of the GNA and the HoR Government in Tripoli and Bayda, respectively issued statements condemning the shelling. (Libya’s Channel)(Afrigate)(Akhbar Libya 24) (al-Wasat)(HoR Government Statement)

20 MAY: Misratan forces destroyed an IS SVBIED as it approached their fighters IVO Abu Qarin.The al-Binyan al-Marous Joint Operations room forces and Misrata-based aircraft shelled IS forces at the Khamseen (50km) checkpoint in preparation for seizing the location along the coastal road. The Operations room also confirmed its forces fully controlled the Abu Qarin-Jufra road. (Video)(Libya Observer)(Libya’s Channel)(al-Wasat)

20 MAY: MSCD forces released images of the group securing the entrances to Derna in anticipation of an impending LNA offensive. LNA aircraft conducted air strikes against MSCD positions on the outskirts of the city, destroying the Ozaltin Holding Camp (owned by a Turkish Company). (Twitter/MSCD Photo Set)(Video) (Libya Observer)

20 MAY: Mahdi Barghathi, Defense Minister of the GNA (and former LNA Commander of the 204 Tank Battalion), arrived in Tripoli after speaking with PFG Leader Ibrahim Jadhran in Ras Lanuf. (Libya Herald)(Libya Observer)(LNA Statement)(Libya al-Hadath)

21 MAY: General Haftar stated that he would not cooperate with the GNA until all militia forces were dissolved. (Libya Herald)

21 MAY: LNA airstrikes killed an SCBR field commander, Ibrahim al-Hammali, in the Qanfouda District of Benghazi. LNA artillery also allegedly shelled the Wasat al-Balad and Sabri Neighborhoods in central Benghazi. (al-Nabaa)(al-Nabaa)(LNA Video)

21 MAY: Colonel al-Burghathi, Head of the GNA MoD, called on the Presidential Council to cut ties with militants in Benghazi. (al-Wasat)

21 MAY: The Eastern and western NOCs confirmed a unity agreement and announced the resumption of oil exports from Hariga in Tobruk. (Libya Herald)

22 MAY: LNA and SCBR/IS forces clashed sporadically in the Qawarasha and Sabri neighborhoods of Benghazi, as the LNA continued to shell the Qanfouda and Qawarasha areas of Benghazi using Grad rockets, tanks, artillery, and aircraft. An Senior SCBR Commander, Ibrahim al-Mahjoub al-Hamali, in addition to two other SCBR fighters, was killed during airstrikes on Qanfouda. (Afrigate)(Afrigate)(Afrigate)

22 MAY: Local militias clashed in Sorman, west of Tripoli, and in Wadi Rabia (وادي الربيع ), near the Tripoli international airport, allegedly over support for the GNA. The Wadi Rabia clashes involved gunmen attacking a security checkpoint in the area, killing four individuals of the local militia Battalion 42 and allegedly those who attacked the checkpoint Misratan militia members. Clashes continued in the Ain Zahra area of tripoli between the two groups. The Sorman clashes involved a militia attempting to take control over a security camp near the central school in the city, from which joint defense forces were based, leading to at least three killed and six wounded. (Libya Herald)(Afrigate)(Libya Observer)(Afrigate)(Libya al-Hadath)(Libyan News 1)(Libyan News 1)

22 MAY: al-Binyan al-Marsous Operations Room forces from Jufra advanced against IS in the vicinity of Abu Qarin, clearing the al-Bughla (البغلة) of IS forces. Additional reports indicate Misratan airstrikes have destroyed a number of IS technicals and other vehicles during the push into the al-Bughla area.A landmine/IED killed three members of a Misratan engineering battalion near Abu Qarin. (Afrigate)(Libya Herald)(al-Wasat)(Afrigate)(al-Wasat)(al-Wasat)

23 MAY: Reinforcements from Janzour, Sorman, Jufra and Sabha (6th Brigade and 3rd Force militias) arrived to bolster al-Bunyan al-Marsous Operations Room forces advancing against IS towards Sirte. Reports indicate that the situation along the frontline was quiet during the day, and that Misratan forces were running low on ammunition. (Twitter)(LPC)(Afrigate)(Libyan Observer)(al-Wasat)(Fezzan Libya MG)(al-Wasat)

23 MAY: Clashes between the Sorman Shura Council militia fighters and local residents continued as Shura Council forces temporarily seized control over the local government center, with six killed and over 14 wounded. The fighting forced the closure of the coastal road. The Sorman CIB arrested a number of IS-linked individuals that were part of a cell, after tapping into their communications. (al-Wasat)(LPC)(al-Wasat)(Libya’s Channel)(Afrigate)[Note: The clashes appear to be linked to the arrest of the IS sleeper cell, although this has not been confirmed]

23 MAY: The Libyan Muslim Brotherhood released a statement in support of the GNA’s ongoing clashes against IS near Sirte, called for Unity, and hinted at opposition to Haftar and the LNA. (Statement)

24 MAY: LNA aircraft conducted air strikes in the Fatih area near Derna, allegedly targeting an MSCD convoy. LNA reinforcements also arrived in Karsa, 20km west of Derna, in preparation for a possible operation to retake the city from MSCD. (Libya Observer)(Afrigate)(Libyan News 1)

24 MAY: LNA forces advanced slowly against SCBR/IS forces in Western Benghazi, focusing on the Libyan German Hospital, the Pipes Plant, and the Libyan Shield Camp in the Qawarasha and Qanfouda districts. Four LNA soldiers were killed in clashes. LNA fixed-wind and rotor-wing aircraft conducted air strikes on the Qawarasha and al-Faakat areas, targeting IS/SCBR positions. (Afrigate)(Afrigate)(Afrigate)(Afrigate)(218 TV Video)

24 MAY: The SCBR released a statement distancing itself from the Islamic State, a likely response to the ongoing fighting against IS in Sirte. Unconfirmed reports indicate the statement was only issued by one faction of the SCBR, and that Ansar al-Sharia objected to its publication. ((SCBR Statement)(Twitter)(Libya Herald)

24 MAY: The Chief of Staff of the LNA conducted an inspection visit to the Aqba Base in the Western Military Zone and met with the Abu Bakr Battalion leaders stationed in the area, and also in Aziziya, SW of Tripoli, where he allegedly called for the “liberation” of Tripoli. The LNA delegation then attended the graduation of 1600 soldiers into the LNA Western Region’s Special Forces. (LNA Statement)(Twitter) (Twitter)(LNA Special Forces Graduation)

23 MAY: IS Wilayat Barqa released images of the groups clashes and an SVBIED attack against Misratan Militia forces IVO Abu Qarin. (IS Wilayat Tarablus Media Office)(al-Wasat)

24–25 MAY: al-Binyan al-Marsous Operations Room Forces reached the al-Majoura area, near the al-Bughla Gate, on the southern axis against IS. Misratan militia force also reached the Khamseen (50) Gate, clashing with IS fighters. IS’ Amaq News Agency released a statement claiming responsibility for an infiltration operation in the al-Washka area on 24 MAY that killed five Misratan fighters. (LPC)(Twitter)(Twitter)

26 MAY: Misratan forces seized control of the Khamseen Gate area, 50km west of Sirte, and the al-Bughla Gate, south of Abu Qarin, during clashes with the Islamic State. IS deployed four SVBIEDs against Misratan Militia forces fighting west of Sirte. Unconfirmed reporting indicates British Special Forces fighting alongside Misratan forces destroyed an IS SVBIED before it reached its intended targets IVO Abu Qarin. Unconfirmed reports indicate as many as 100 IS fighters may have been killed in clashes, including 30 by a Misratan airstrike south of the al-Bughla Gate as they attempted to retreat. (Libyan News 1)(Afrigate)(LPC)(LPC)(Afrigate)(Twitter)(al-Wasat)(al-Wasat)(Libya Observer)(Afrigate)

26 MAY: LNA Marine Forces announced the commencement of Operation “al-Hout al-Azraq” (“Blue Whale”) to liberate the Souq al-Hout and Sabri Districts of central Benghazi. An LNA Spokesman claimed that 25 IS/SCBR fighters had been killed, including an IS field commander and a senior SCBR leader, in strikes on the areas. (Akhbar Libya 24)(Libyan News 1)

26 MAY: Rada Militia Forces (Special Deterrent Forces) detained four individuals allegedly linked to IS’ January 2016 SVBIED attack on a police recruitment center in Zliten. (Libya Observer)(Afrigate)(al-Nabaa)

26 MAY: GNA Prime Minister Siraj protested the initiation of the printing of money by the eastern Central Bank of Libya. The US State department declared that these notes, printed in Russia, would be considered counterfeit.(Twitter)(Libya Observer)

25–26 MAY: IS Wilayat Barqa issued a statement claiming to have killed 5 LNA soldiers in Qawarasha, Benghazi. On 25 MAY, the group released images of mortar strikes on LNA forces in Qawarasha. (IS Wilayat Barqa Media Office)(IS Wilayat Barqa Media Office)

26 MAY: IS Wilayat Tarablus releases images of its forces clashing with Misratan militia forces south of al-Washka, west of Sirte. (IS Wilayat Barqa Media Office)

27 MAY: Misratan forces and IS fighters continued to clash as Misratan forces took full control of the 30 Gate area, 30km from Sirte, and advanced to the outskirts of the Steam (desalination) Plant. Misratan forces suffered 7 killed and 25 wounded, including a Misratan Field Commander. IS Wilayat Tarablus released a statement claiming responsibility for 3 SVBIEDs against Misratan forces advancing from Abu Qarin on 26 MAY. (IS Wilayat Tarablus Statement)(Twitter)(Twitter)(LPC)(LPC)(LPC)(Afrigate)(LPC)(Libyan News)(218 TV)(al-Wasat)(Twitter)(Twitter)(LPC)(Afrigate)(Libya Observer)

27 MAY: LNA forces and SCBR/IS fighters clashed in the vicinity of the pipe plant in the Qawarasha during intense fighting, with 5 LNA soldiers killed. A landmine/IED exploded, killing 3 LNA Saiqa soldiers and wounding 5, in the Qawarasha District of Benghazi. (Akhbar Libya 24)(al-Wasat)(LPC)

27 MAY: LNA-allied Warshefana forces repelled an attack by militias affiliated with LIFG in the al-Najeela (النجيلة) area, south of Janzour, with one Misratan militia member killed in the clashes. (Libya 24 TV)(218 TV)(Afrigate)(LNA Statement)

27 MAY: IS Wilayat Tarablus released a series of Images of its fighters clashing with Misratan militias west of Sirte. (IS WIlayat Tarablus)

27 MAY: IS Wilayat Barqa released a statement claiming responsibility for attacks against the LNA in the Qawarasha District of Benghazi.

28 MAY: State Council head Ahmed Swaihli was allegedly attacked by militia fighters while touring the frontlines against IS. The State Council condemned the altercation, although Swaihli himself denies the incident took place. The Operation against IS has been dubbed the “Battle of the Martyrs of Shadada.” (Libya Herald)(Akhbar Libya 24)(Afrigate)(Twitter)

28 MAY: Al-Banyan al-Marsous Operations room forces seized full control over the the Wadi Alloud and Abu Najim areas, southwest of Sirte. (al-Nabaa)(Libya Observer)(al-Wasat)

30 MAY: PFG forces launched a two-pronged attack against IS forces east of Sirte, seizing control of the town of Ben Jawad and large swaths of land near the town of Nouafiliya, an IS stronghold, from both if which IS forces are reported to have withdrawn, Two PFG fighters were killed and 5 injured in an IED/landmine explosion during the advance. An unofficial IS statement claimed to have used IEDs to target advancing PFG forces on the Sidra-Ben Jawad Road. (Afrigate)(Libya Herald)(NY Times)(Libya al-Hadath)(al-Wasat)(Afrigate)(Libyan News 1)(Afrigate)(al-Wasat)(IS Unofficial Statement)(Washington Post)(Twitter)(PFG Statement)

29–30 MAY: Misratan forces seized full control over the Desalination plant, 30 km west of Sirte, after fighting with IS forces, and took control over the Wadi Jafr, with clashes continuing 17km from downtown Sirte. Misratan aircraft targeted IS forces within Sirte, hitting a number of positions and headquarters. On 30 MAY, Misratan aircraft bombed an IS truck SVBIED and two other vehicles 20km from Sirte, destroying them as they advanced towards Misratan forces at the Desalination plant. GNA-allied forces advanced from the south, as well, reaching the Wadi Hanewa, 50km from Sirte. The accused IS mastermind of the 2015 Bardo Museum attacks in Tunis, Khaled al-Shayeb, was identified as being one of the IS fighters killed in clashes over the last few days west of Sirte. The son of the former coordinator of Ghaddafi’s Revolutionaries was also killed fighting with IS west of Sirte. (al-Wasat)(al-Wasat)(Libya Observer)(Video)(al-Wasat)(Libya Herald)(Libya Herald)(Afrigate)(Afrigate)(Libya’s Channel)(al-Wasat)(al-Wasat)

30 MAY: The LNA conducted artillery strikes against the Sabri district of Benghazi. LNA forces announced preparations for the full liberation of remaining holdout areas in Benghazi, as General Haftar and other LNA leaders met at the Benina Airport to discuss plans retake remaining SCBR/IS-held neighborhoods. (Afrigate)(Afrigate)(Akhbar Libya 24)

29 MAY: The Bani Walid Joint Operations Room denied tribes of Warshefana had sworn allegiance to the Islamic State, saying the Warshefana tribes stand alongside fellow Libyans in fighting IS. (Afrigate)

29–30 MAY: LNA aircraft bombed MSCD forces near the Korea Building in residential areas west of Derna, allegedly destroying a tank repairs facility. On 30 MAY, LNA aircraft conducted airstrikes on the Wadi al-Shuwa’ir (وادي الشواعر) area. (Libya Observer)(Afrigate)(Afrigate)(Afrigate)

29 MAY: IS Wilayat Tarablus released a video targeting sub-Saharan fighters, imploring them to join the organization. The video featured a Ghanan, Nigerian, and Malian. (MENASTREAM)

31 MAY: PFG forces seized the town of Nouafaliya, east of Sirte, after clashes with IS forces. Five PFG fighters have been killed and 16 wounded in ongoing fighting after IS forces were forced out of Ben Jawad, east of Nouafaliya. IS forces retreated to the town of Hawara, 50 km from Sirte. (218 TV)(Akhbar Libya 24)(Libya Observer)(MenaStream)(Afrigate)(al-Wasat)(Libya Observer)(Afrigate)(LPC)(Libya Observer)

31 MAY: The Presidential Council of the GNA announced the formation of a joint operations room against IS to operate between Ajdabiya and Sirte, to be headed by Colonel Yussef al-Aqila (218 TV)(GNA Statement)

31 MAY: The Islamic State’s Wilayat Tarablus released images of its forces clashing with Bunyan al-Marsous Joint Operations Room Forces, west of Sirte. (IS Wilayat Tarablus Media Office)



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