The License Zero Reciprocal Public License 2.0.0-pre-2

K. E. Mitchell
Published in
2 min readNov 20, 2017

Copyright: {Name the copyright holder in the original version.}

Source: {List a URL or instructions to find source code.}

This software comes as is, without any warranty at all. As far as the law allows, I will not be liable for any damages related to this software or this license, for any kind of legal claim.

As long as you meet the conditions below, you may do everything with this software that would otherwise infringe my copyright in it or any covered patent claim. Your permission covers a patent claim that I can license, or become able to license, if you would infringe the patent claim by using this software as of my latest contribution.

  1. You must ensure that everyone who gets a copy of this software from you, in source code or any other form, also gets the complete text of this license and the copyright and source notices above.
  2. You must not make any legal claim against anyone for infringing any patent claim they would infringe by using this software alone, accusing this software, with or without changes, alone or combined in a larger program.
  3. If you change this software, you must release source code for your changes.
  4. If you combine this software with other software to make a larger program, you must release any source code for that larger program that has not yet been released.
  5. If you run this software to analyze, change, or generate software, you must release source code for that software that has not yet been released.

Releasing source code means publicly licensing it under either this license or a license approved by the Open Source Initiative, and promptly publishing it, in the preferred form for making changes, to a freely accessible distribution system widely used for similarly licensed source code.

Any unknowing failure to meet condition 3, 4, or 5 is excused if you release source code as required, or stop doing anything requiring permission under this license, in 30 days of learning that you were required to release.

This is a prerelease version of the license text. Feedback of all kinds, especially from non-lawyer readers, is very welcome, and appreciated!

