A Pigeon on the Vatican Wall © Robert Thibadeau, 2006.

Healthcare Hoax

Proving a Pernicious Lie

Robert Thibadeau
Published in
4 min readMay 16, 2020


Nick, This is a lie. Every national system of healthcare is paid with everybody’s money.

Eventually, unless you kill yourself, but even if the virus kills you, everybody’s money will be used to keep you alive — Social Security and Medicaid or Medicare for example.

You have the option of course to return every check or service you receive from the government. Like the roads you drive on. You need to take deer paths from now on.

So you do have the option to be true to your beliefs and prove me wrong at least for you.

This is a fiat lie. This statement I suspect is a pernicous lie, and ..

You are sowing division which is exactly what Geo. Washington asked every Patriot who wanted to keep their Liberty NOT to do..

Yes, I have worked all my life. Working still at 70. Paid my taxes. Voted.

Done some real good things here and there. That even you use. The disk drives holding and protecting the privacy of the data for this article, and anything you do on the Internet, are out of my head and years of hard work.

I made them a reality (as Chief Technologist, Seagate, and creator of the standard for the Trusted Computing Group). They are in use by everyone in the world, yes even the Chinese and the Russians, and the Europeans, and the Africans, and the Mexicans, and the Canadians too, every age from before you are born to forever after you die, every day (www.drivetrust.com). I did it for others some who got rich off me, not for money or quid pro quo.

I did it because I am a Patriot and have my Liberty preserved by a Constitutional Republic and a benign government made real by Geo. Washington’s Last Farwell.

Which you should read. It is read on the Senate floor, and until Gingrich on the House floor, every year after Geo. Washington left his hard written Farewell to us when he left the Presidency.

I am not better than you. But I try hard not to lie, ever, except when I tell tall tales for entertainment as is my right as a Southerner from the old South.

Using the method of the Internet Court of Lies, my plaintiff case against your lie would say this:

The lie:

“Sorry, but <!FACT there is no Healthcare Coverage for free >— <!LIE it’s just paid with someone else’s money.>”

  1. Is it the truth? No, 100% likelihood. It is paid with everybody else’s money if it is paid for by the Government. It is called a democratic republic.
  2. Is it the whole truth? Not applicable. 100% sure. It is a factual lie in and of itself. See my book on “The Internet Court of Lies” on Amazon.
  3. Is it nothing but the truth? No, 100% Likelihood. It combines a statement which is true in order to justify the lie.
  4. What is the deceit? That it is true that Healthcare Coverage is paid not by a sick person’s money but “just” (exclusively) by someone else’s money. 100% certain because it is stated as true and is not factually true.
  5. Was the deceit intended. Yes, 100%. This response contains many other statements that prove beyond any doubt that the lie is intended.
  6. What is the Motivation? There could be many, but one is a non-patriotic hatred of people who have other opinions about the laws we need as a constitutional republic trying to preserve Liberty. I would give this motivation maybe 70% based on Geo. Washington’s Farewell Address.
  7. How socially damaging is this lie? It is a terrible lie worded in a context meant to sow division in the US and destroy our constitutional government. 100%
  8. What label could be applied to this lie to cure it of its ill effect. It should be pointed to this verdict and labeled as a pernicious lie that is not factually true.

In the Court there is a Judge and Jury made up of people chosen at random and unknown by the plaintiff, myself or you or anyone else. Each juror would add their verdicts and the judge would issue the settlement verdict against the lie. The Internet Court of Lies does not judge people, only lies. We will know it is you only because you put your name on it but the Court only judges what you say, not you.

I suspect that, unless you are in the majority in your unrealistic views, you will find your lie would get a verdict that would largely concur with my proposed verdict. But we will see. We will be holding such a court next week. By June 1 you should be able to be a member of the court to see the case for a $400 court fee.



Robert Thibadeau

Carnegie Mellon University since 1979 — Cognitive Science, AI, Machine Learning, one of the founding Directors of the Robotics Institute. rht@brightplaza.com