MJ Hegar, from her Wikipedia Entry

I Feel Like We Should be Asking a Psychologist — MJ Hegar on Trump

You Have One Here

Robert Thibadeau
Published in
3 min readSep 4, 2020


As a Ph.D. in Psychology (1976), who has spent his life on computational cognitive neuroscience, Trump is actually a pretty typical abnormal personality. It is also easy to see from my work how he can lie the way he does.

I got banned from Twitter by a troll from mentioning truthfully, and professionally, that he is a dyslexic narcissistic schizoid psychopath.

Read, “he has a wiring problem with reading,” “he only cares about himself,” “he does not live in our reality,” and “he has a murderous lack of empathy that never ceases.”

The schizoid part is born of a lack of consequences in being a bully because of his born-money power (a.k.a. spoiled bullying rich kid). Also, you cannot cure psychopaths (or for that matter, their milder non-murderous cousins, sociopaths). They never get better, only worse.

He is not dumb. Not that smart either. But smart enough to be an evil genius.

Any psychologist knows utterly insane people who they met, only to find an intelligent person sitting there in more or less normal conversation. Except for what they did and, if you ask the right questions, say. You put these people in nice places to live, and give them drugs to keep them from being too…



Robert Thibadeau

Carnegie Mellon University since 1979 — Cognitive Science, AI, Machine Learning, one of the founding Directors of the Robotics Institute. rht@brightplaza.com