A Republic is, by definition, a democracy. And guess what. It always has been. Copyright © Robert Thibadeau.

MAGA Democracy circa 1940

A Note of Truth from our Great Past

Robert Thibadeau
Published in
22 min readFeb 5, 2022


My mother was in College in Macon Georgia in WWII. This educational pamphlet was in her effects. Perhaps we should all read it today. I’ve marked it up with bold italics that I hope every MAGA person may read what the America was that he wants to make Great Again.

Democracy and Education in the Current Crisis



Single copies of this report are free. Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, 525 West 120th Street, New York City

August, 1940

Copyright, 1940, by Teachers College, Columbia University.


The American people have watched with growing alarm the series of events which have brought most of Europe and much of Asia under the domination of ruthless, military dictatorships. It can no longer be doubted that the present world crisis constitutes a threat of the most serious character to the United States and to the democratic way of life for which it stands.

The situation calls for clear thinking and prompt action. It is a primary duty of all liberty-loving citizens to make an immediate and realistic appraisal of the crisis which now confronts our nation. This appraisal may well begin with a frank statement of the factors which compose the current crisis.

The gravity of the present situation is due, first, to the speed and effectiveness with which the dictatorships are achieving their designs. Their success has been the result of a variety of factors. The totalitarian regimes have had clear and definite ideals and aims. They have dramatized their purposes and have skillfully suffused them with emotional appeals. They have rallied their citizens to unified and vigorous action. They have made skillful use of the powerful, tech­nical resources produced by the Western World during more than a century of scientific research and invention. They have been persistent, assiduous, and un­scrupulous in their activities.

The accelerated progress made by the dictatorships in subjecting increasing



Robert Thibadeau

Carnegie Mellon University since 1979 — Cognitive Science, AI, Machine Learning, one of the founding Directors of the Robotics Institute. rht@brightplaza.com