Lady Justice is not particularly Just. Los Angeles Courthouse.

Modern Lawscapes

Or Falling off the Social Cliff of Mendaciology

Robert Thibadeau
Published in
4 min readApr 26, 2021


An interesting exercise for any lay person is to look at the order of precedence in how law is actually expressed in our lives.

What trumps what?

I think you know now why I am asking.

The reader should consider a game where groups of friends try ordering the modern lawscape for themselves.

Here is my order of the lawscape. This is how I see the law actually expressed in our lives today. It is not a pretty picture for justice, truth, and lies..

  1. Money (Money is king over the lawscape. “I can shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and nobody will care.”)
  2. Absolute Power (Dictator Power, secondary only to money)
  3. Power by Proven Threats (A Threat of harm known-to-be-real controls the “law”)
  4. Power by Lies (Someone can lie to get power over the law).
  5. Power by Who Trusts You (Who You Know has power over the law which he grants to you.)
  6. Lawyer Law as Interpreted by Lawyers (Lawyers colluding among themselves to set the actual law.)
  7. Actual Law as Written and Successfully Prosecuted (This is the law we are taught in school is what the lawscape is.)



Robert Thibadeau

Carnegie Mellon University since 1979 — Cognitive Science, AI, Machine Learning, one of the founding Directors of the Robotics Institute.