Some Parasites Lie

Some Do Not.

Robert Thibadeau
Published in
1 min readApr 13, 2020


People should also read Barry’s book to get perspective on what we are finding about this coronavirus. This infection and recovery path was seen before, 100 years ago. It killed more than 100 million people globally.

And, we knew it months ago, and what to do. The reason Trump did not do it is revealed here.

Why did Trump do it? What was his motivation? We have two Parasites in US,

Trump’s digs into US, our heart, soul and genius, with his Fiat Lies, and ..

Trump’s Parasitic Trick confutes the US antibodies as explained here.

Confute is an English Word… It means “bring to naught.”

Our recovery is much longer due to the disease of faction that follows infection by Parasite Trump. President George Washington told us how to cure ourselves and secure our Liberty, our life.

It is not by ignoring the parasites and how they work. Out of influenza, arguably, came the scientific discovery of DNA (by Avery). Read Barry.



Robert Thibadeau

Carnegie Mellon University since 1979 — Cognitive Science, AI, Machine Learning, one of the founding Directors of the Robotics Institute.