The Youtube of a Physicist Lying about Gravity with a Rubber Sheet

Physicist Admits They All Lie a Lot

Finally, a Truthful Physicist

Robert Thibadeau
Published in
10 min readJan 18, 2023


I once wrote an article titled Physicists Are the Best Liars where I sincerely wanted to point out a scientific fact about Physicists from the science of Mendaciology, the Computational Cognitive Neuroscience of Lies.

And what happened? A number of physicists went ballistic on me, claiming Physicists do not lie! That made me, as a Scientist, very sad since I thought I was paying Physicists a great complement. They are the best! Now I just think they are not the best. They are just ordinary liars who are pretty mean to other Scientists who are, to reiterate a presupposition of my commendation, also liars.

Recently I stumbled across an actual Physicist making the same point I was making in how Physicists lie all the time. Perhaps if you physicists read exactly the same argument made by a physicist instead of poor me, a rank amateur in Physics, you will believe it. If it takes hearing it from another physicist, then you are not the best liars. But so be it.



Robert Thibadeau

Carnegie Mellon University since 1979 — Cognitive Science, AI, Machine Learning, one of the founding Directors of the Robotics Institute.