Joseph Harney Thibadeau, my Great Great Grandfather, Captain, US COLORED Infantry formed in South Carolina of Freed Slaves, Invaded Georgia, 1865. Later Paymaster Atlanta Terminal. Committed Suicide about 60 years old pennyless one Block from the White House in DC with a Pistol to his head watching himself in the Hotel Bathroom Mirror. Made the Washington DC news. Worked his life for the US Government before the age of Pensions.

Slave Lies

Half Truths are Not Whole Truths

Robert Thibadeau
Published in
3 min readJun 20, 2020


Umair, Let's go back to Rome. Read Gibbon or, if you can't, read the Durants.

Rome fell heavily because the slave population, admittedly almost entirely white, was freed over the generations, and the intermarried freed slaves went for dictators, starting with Julius Caesar, for perceived safety ... until the Persians conquered them and sacked Rome.

The remnant of Rome’s government is the Catholic Church.

These are not my opinions but the Durants and Gibbon who had more facts on their side than you do.

Rome forgot how to make concrete in the process.

I grew up in Atlanta and was 17 with my American History teacher in his apartment, next to the VA Hospital, in Decatur, the evening MLK was assassinated. And the three of us there had tears in our eyes. King was a great guy but to call him an economist was to miss what he really did. More like Gandhi before him. It was 1968 and we were facing the lies of Vietnam as soldier fodder for our kings.

My Great Great Grandfather’s Sword “Captain US Colored Infantry”

Princes and vassals were often indistinguisable from slave owners and slaves until well into the 20th century. Lots of remants of all this, "you belong to me" still exists in sovereign walls separating states. Like slaves, we are largely not employed by our countries, we pay them for the priviledge of living as “citizens”.

My Great Great Grandfather’s Grave in Arlington Cemetery

Trump believes we all work for him and we are his slaves. Money is free and not his problem. He lies about tariffs as getting China to pay, and quantitative easing as all good for our wealth, but both are taxing our children to death, in the tens of trillions. This has nothing to do with slaves, but the people who are not slaves who believe Trump, or are not able to see what he is actually doing. They believe his lies. Like good vassals.

Your paper as usual is a rich source for cases that could be brought to the Internet Court of Lies just as Trump is a rich source of cases. Evidenciary proof is always useful even if the actual truth may always escape us. That said, your lies, mostly half truths, like Trump, are a good study in how to lie and fool people, or keep their interest. A half truth is most often not the whole truth or not, “nothing but the truth.” See Mendaciology in..

The caveat is that these are fiat lies that are so frequent and dense it is difficult to count them. But the Internet Court of Lies is set up to let lots of people do that efficiently if they want. And ..



Robert Thibadeau

Carnegie Mellon University since 1979 — Cognitive Science, AI, Machine Learning, one of the founding Directors of the Robotics Institute.