Human Natural Language is NOT Learned by Trial and Error Learning, but is REFINED. Copyright © Robert Thibadeau, Sunday February 9, 2014.

The Natural Evolution of Human Lies

A Theory from Mendaciology

Robert Thibadeau
Published in
6 min readFeb 13, 2022


The evolution of human language has long been debated with, unfortunately, human language. The natural result is a mess of human lying imagination.

The science of lies, Mendaciology, is a computational cognitive neuroscience that can more readily give us insight into the evolution of natural language.

The essential points about how human language evolved based on our observations of human lying are these:

  1. A brain existed and evolved for a considerable time before human natural language. I hypothesize that nothing we can talk about was not already realized by the pre-lingual brain. Like others such as Chomsky argued, natural language evolved in an evolutionary instant. Human language evolved fully capable of grammatical expression and understanding not by discovering natural language, but by discovering how the brain already computes.
  2. That instant was a new inherited memory. We know that primitive brains, let alone advanced brains, have inherited memories. The ‘bug detector’ in the frog, for example, is an inherited memory that is simply there because you are a frog, not because you learned it by trial and error in trying to eat. There is of course, also a lot of trial and error by the frog in maximizing his success with this innate…



Robert Thibadeau

Carnegie Mellon University since 1979 — Cognitive Science, AI, Machine Learning, one of the founding Directors of the Robotics Institute.