Author Trying to Bring a Little Science to Unreason Right Near a Real Liars Lair, Copyright © 2017 Robert Thibadeau, All Rights Reserved.

Why Reason is Treason in Democratic Elections

To a Computational Cognitive Scientist It’s Obvious

Robert Thibadeau
Published in
4 min readNov 7, 2024


The human brain, the trillions of compute engines working in near perfect harmony in real time between your ears, is just not set up for Reason. It isn’t. Get over it. Reason is Treason in maintaining a Democracy just like it is in maintaining a Dictatorship.

Your brain is actually an old, old, system, on the order of 500 million years old, that operates to guess what Reason might, or might not, justify.

It’s a probability engine that only knows what our DNA or our personal experience can know.

And, in both cases, while that is an unbelievably huge amount of information about how to survive in reality in real time, it just makes the vast, vast, amounts of its conscious decisions, in the billions of subconscious and conscious decisions a second, orchestrated to the speeds needed by reality.

Most often just the most recent ‘knowledge’ can overcome all reasonable knowledge, all knowledge of actual truth, because we just can’t recruit reasoned truth that fast. Sometimes it takes minutes, sometimes days, and sometimes much longer. The brain guesses most all the time and rarely has the luxury of the time it takes to make a reasoned decision.




Published in LieCatcher

The Lie Catcher collects articles about lies in the media in order to bring truth to lies. It is the gateway to The Internet Court of Lies where you can be a plaintiff, juror, or judge to quickly see what others who you do not know think about suspect lies brought to the court.

Robert Thibadeau
Robert Thibadeau

Written by Robert Thibadeau

Carnegie Mellon University since 1979 — Cognitive Science, AI, Machine Learning, one of the founding Directors of the Robotics Institute.

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