‘Madonna and Child with Souls in Purgatory’ by Luca Giordano, The Museum of Fine Art Houston, Texas

The Inner Self Thoughts From Another Multiverse: Our Religion, Humanity, & Mother Nature — If Only We Understand…

A-Tri Phan
Published in
5 min readMay 26, 2019


Synopsis: This article serves as the ultimatum for why I decided to start publishing my writing. For the longest time, I contemplated the very meaning of my life. What was my purpose? Who am I? It almost made me lost my mind. However, at the brink of insanity, that moment of realization finally got me out of the rabbit hole. The answer was right in front of me the entire time; the meaning of life was never about me. It is about everyone else of whom I share my world with. Our sense of self is is by far the very reason that distracts us from figuring out the truth. We become entitled and develop the egotism that blinds us for the reality before us. It is only when we dethrone ourselves from the center of our world and in turn place another person there is when we finally understand the true meaning of our existence. For my case, I had to be broken into a million pieces for it to finally become a truth. Compassion is the answer. That is what ‘it’ experienced in order to be able to be at peace. If only we understand…

My story begins during a time and place when religion, as some see it today did not bear the endless turmoil and blame for all the wrongdoings of our world. Instead serves as the very centerfold for compassion, a congregation for all religious leaders to maintain and uphold The Golden Rule, a sanction for everyone to be able to seek or express their spirituality and truths, and last but not least, fortified as the everlasting symbol of peace that unifies all walks of life not by ideologies, but by our understanding of the human suffering that connects us all.

Most if not all have heard within the beginning of intellectual youth that we are ‘social creatures’ that yearns to love and be loved. However much this may be true to some, our sense of storytelling to one another is, if not, by far the weakest and most distractive quality of ourselves that humankind has ever naturally configured. Furthermore, the love of which we speak is one of many sediments one can take, develop, and offer to the world. Many consider it significant; some argue it is just as distracting and serves as another component to add upon thy suffering.

As a grand oil painting can express a thousand words, the perception of another is infinite. Communication upon every generation and within every avenue of our world has at one point fall victim to a misunderstanding that leads to catastrophic events not by intent but by the very translations of our speech that when spoken, is interpreted in so many ways. As time progressed, storytelling became the worse way of communication; it still happens to this day because most people accept heresy as absolute truth when it should not be the case. Those who are aware of this very notion within this multiverse becomes the very individuals that uplift those around them who are dreadfully suffering can be seen as the ones closest to whom we consider The Divine, Brahman, Nirvana, Dao, and Allah.

Even though this time and place hold religion as the positive force that it is, like of our reality, they too still struggle with a misunderstanding that is then fled with the blessing of a curse that is free-will. We all are in dire need of public understanding for it is no longer for the sake of ourselves OR each other, but this real world that we share our space in. Mother Earth can only be patient for so long until she must save herself by addressing the very issue that has caused her so much suffering— Us.

This idealistically positive view of religion with its people who inevitably misunderstood is not from another multiverse; it is here. Our world’s an unfortunate reality within the distant future if we do not get pass the egotism of which we hold dear to. Considering our advancement of technology, we are still but of a novice when it pertains to our ability to communicate AND understand each other. Religious figures of the past in all the glory and contributions that they served during their time are to some revered in the most opposite direction because of our inability to understand or seek thereof. Furthermore, such a tragic dynamic sabotages our ability to figure out what to believe in. Upon every generation, each war over what is considered valid and the simple answers of right from wrong accelerates the never-ending suffering of humanity. When in the grand scheme of it all. Right from Wrong, Good and Evil, or Light and Dark are all perspective. Conversely, a truth only when applied into practice and when it comes from our own unique experiences will it becomes evident in our lives. In conjunction, the answers we seek and upheld are never absolute because as our world is too complicated and an attempt to confine it to a single set of simple solutions is just as absurd as to believe our greatest gift bestowed upon humanity is that we are social creatures that yearn to love and be loved.

Being a social and lovable creature are that of a cat and dog. As sharks were born with the ability to kill. We ultimately differ because our minds was able to transcend to our current cognitive state that birth us the intellectual ability to reason and understand. It is when we reason with one another when we understand the suffering of thy neighbor thus yielding compassion. The very power of seeking to understand can even save Mother Earth who again is trying very hard not annihilate us. As Gotama Buddha believed our suffering is contingent upon our desire to that of which Jesus Christ proceeded with suffering will never cease because of our desire, but it is the very answer to our salvation if only we understand.

