
Amidst the vastness of the cosmos, two civilizations intertwine, forever changing the fabric of their destinies.

LIFE 2.0
Life 2.0 Magazine
Published in
13 min readAug 9, 2023


Image generated by Midjourney

The streets of Zel’Noria were alive with the usual evening hum. Children chased each other, their laughter echoing through narrow alleyways. Merchants peddled the last of their wares, shouting deals as the twin suns began their descent, casting a gentle glow on the city’s stone structures.

Kael, a young scholar with iridescent scales reflecting the twilight, sat perched on a city wall, his notebook open. He was sketching the silhouette of Zel’Noria against the backdrop of the setting suns when a sudden gasp from below caught his attention.

He followed the gaze of the gathering crowd, looking upward. There, against the familiar tapestry of stars, a new, shimmering orb emerged. Larger than any star, it pulsed with a strange luminosity, casting its otherworldly light upon the city.

Murmurs rippled through the streets. “What is it?” a mother whispered, pulling her child close. A vendor dropped his basket of glowing fruits, their luminescence paling in comparison to the new entity in the sky.

The city guards, their armour reflecting the strange light, shouted orders, trying to maintain order. But their voices were just another layer in the chorus…



LIFE 2.0
Life 2.0 Magazine

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